If you notice, we have a new blog hop name... That's because Christy and I have a big announcement this month. We are extending our link up party to ALL physician bloggers and physicians-to-be (aka med students) out there. Physician moms are still invited ,of course, but we would like student doctors, residents, fellows and attendings whether you're a mom or not, dad or not to join the fun.
What best way to start this change but with this month's prompt:
Here goes my "what I wish I'd known" thoughts.....
-- residency hours: I did not watch ER or other medical shows during highschool or college. Even if I did, they are not real representation of what residency hours are like. I wish I had shadowed a resident for a week. but if I did, would I even go to med school? Those 80 hour weeks are tough.
-- loans: I had an idea about how much debt I will be in...but you won't really fully understand until you have crossed that bridge right?
-- the amount of stuff I have to learn: again, this was a no brainer for me. I knew there will be tons of studying and memorizing. But the amount of info presented to us and expected to learn -- it's like drinking water from a fire hydrant. You just have to keep drinking even though you are drowning.
--balancing life: it took me a whole semester in med school to really figure out the best studying strategy. I was effective in college and I thought studying ALL THE TIME was the thing to do. Because that's what I used to do before. I got tired easily because of that. Then I finally decided that even med students need breaks. I learned that I was a more effective student when I gave myself a break and let myself have Friday nights off to unwind. Then come Saturday and Sunday, i was back on the books.
How about you? what have you wish you'd known before entering medical school?
The link up is live until the end of the month. I am excited to read your posts.
The dates and prompts of our future linkups are:
November 4 - birth stories. As med students and residents, we all have OB-GYN birth stories to tell. If you're an OBGYN blogger, even better! Please share your most memorable birth story. {be mindful of patient's privacy when sharing... we don't want to get in trouble}
December 2 -Tips on how you handle work or call during the holidays. How do your loved ones/child(ren) handle you being away?
December 2 -Tips on how you handle work or call during the holidays. How do your loved ones/child(ren) handle you being away?
Here's our button. please use it. Copy the html inside the box and use as a button on your blog or within your post.
Here are a few "rules" of the link-up.
1. Add your post link below, not the blog home page.
2. Link back to this post.
3. Optional: Grab the button above and add to your post.
3. Optional: Grab the button above and add to your post.
4. If you haven't done it yet, please follow your hosts: via bloglovin, Instagram , twitter or facebook. Thanks!
5. Visit as many posts below and leave a comment.
Thank you for reading! I can be found on:
These are all really good points -- especially the balancing life one! I also had no concept of how long physician hours were before I started medical school. Not that I'm regretting anything :) I'm going to sit out for this blog hop because I've already written a similar post back in May. But thanks for doing the link up -- it's a great topic!
ReplyDeleteI'm not regretting my decision either. But I wish I'd known about the residency hours. Feel free to link up your post from May :) thanks!