I was MIA last week for 7QT Fridays. You could say blogging break = not much exciting news in my little world.
Congrats to parents
Martha and Jacob. I may be Mia writing-wise but I've been following her blog, waiting for the big announcement of their first born son. Oh the waiting... I truly felt for Martha reading her post last Monday. Waiting is the hard part.
And firstborns are notorious for being post-dates.
Except for my little Daniel who came 8 days early! What?!
Totally not the norm.
Which then taught me a lesson for baby D2. The waiting was a little horrible. Especially with the added ligamentous belly pain and knee pain (my fault for gaining >40 lbs)
I was convinced that Isabel was going to be born post-dates just because she didn't come 8 days early like brother. I've heard moms delivering days to weeks early with baby 1, but delivering post dates with baby 2.
The teaching of patience.... God wanted (and wants) me to practice patience....
What a beautiful post by our
host, Jen Fulwiler.
Never say never.I'm only with baby D3 and people already asking if this is my last one.
I don't know.Or
We will see after this third one....Because it's the truth.
Derrick and I are open to life. And since we are, it means for us more babies even with NFP. (I totally agree NFP is great at spacing kids.... That and breast feeding and pumping like a maniac like me)
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. --Romans 12:2We can't be pressured by this world... Even by knowledgeable doctors or well-meaning friends. I applaude Jen for not giving in to pressures of sterilization. Her situation is really tough and tricky to say the least, weighing risks of pregnancy due to a blood clotting disorder.
I honestly would not know where to start with my 'contemplation' process if I have a clotting problem or I'm a carrier of a neurodegenerative disorder gene except to pray, pray and pray.
Ask for his will.. To do what is food and pleasing in His eyes.
Now onto a little less heavy material and something more superficial and vain.
Doctors have no sense of fashion.....
I wore my hunter boots last Friday. All day in clinic. They're violet and glossy and super comfy. And yes, I've got courage..
I've had (mostly older) doctors and (young) nurses asked me about my get-up. I had to educate them that
they are worn by the Queen of England! And Princess DiCome on now!
And though I was inside seeing patients for 9 hours, without rain or mud, I wore them all day. I was relieved that we had a downpour at the end of the day while picking up the kids.. See: worth the comments I got...
Which by the way started with my son asking in the morning:
why are you wearing your boots mummy? It's not raining.And I answered: it's a gray day! I can wear them.....
And it's gonna rain here in Indy today. Look for someone in clinic wearing violet Hunter boots... It will be me!

Photo source}
We saw
baby D3 on our second ultrasound.We bit the bullet and did not find out the sex. It's easier than what I imagined of the would-be stress -- not knowing the sex and all. I made such a fuss before because of my super planner attitude etc.
maybe I'm just relaxed now because I've got a boy and a girl. Boy items, girl items......
What I'm truly saying: I'm not freaking out yet.
- that I don't know what going home outfit to bring to the hospital.
- that I don't know what color of extra towels I need to buy
- that I can't shop for cute newborn outfits (Derrick is fine with this)
- that babyd3 will be wearing whites and gender neutral outfits the first few days (which is fine because I'm probably not going to put a load of newborn laundry until I'm in stage 2 of labor)
I'm either just relaxed or just plain lazy now.....
After this month, I have 6 months of residency left. Woohoo!
And I've got a very bad case of senioritis. Burnt out you say?
The first half of my fifth year of residency was filled with reading and researching articles etc..... My mindset was: this is my last year of training before I practice on my own, without an overseer to check my work. I better read more now and ask more questions and learn as much as I can.
Slowly that mindset is slipping away. Maybe the fear has subsided?
I just hope it's the pregnancy related tiredness that's giving me senioritis.
So 6 months of official training with 8-10 weeks of maternity leave in between. It's exciting that ill be seeing my own panel of patients in less than a year.
I finally, finally watched the
third season of Downton Abbey.I cried and cried.
- Mary and Mathew's wedding
- Lady Sybil's death
- Carson singing happily after finding out the news of Mrs. Hughes' benign cyst
- Ethel leaving Charlie
And tons more moments.
Another worth the wait season.
Some fanatics like season 2 a lot more. I disagree. It took me months to get over some twists and turns in season 2. And the war is just so depressing. However for season 3, I watched all 9 episodes in a week.
Was my mind prepared anyway for the season finale? I'd say so..... Still so sad to see Matthew and Mary and their baby during their last hour together.
Picture I'm sharing.

The famous alien shots of babies in utero.
This is Baby D3 saying happy Friday y'all!
Head over to
Jen's for more 7qt!