After staying at home, opening presents in the morning and then more in the afternoon with my mom and N, we went to my Auntie J's big 5-0 party. It was a great reason to dress up, put on my dark lipstick and fancy heels.
The girls' dresses were from last year's After Christmas blowout sale at Carter's. Derrick wanted the boys to wear their vest and nice pants, just like for Christmas Eve. I wanted to give the boys a break. They actually ended up taking off their sweaters because they got too hot after dancing and playing.
you can barely see my earrings. Thanks mom for these Christmas presents! They were purple! It's like she knew I was planning on wearing this nonmaternity dress. It's flowy so it's perfect to subtly show off or even "hide" that bump.
more glitter pumps below:
^In true Bastian fashion, he won't want to take a photo with his family.
Santa apparently wants freshly-baked cookies (really, hubs, really?) I was just going to unwrap a few cookies given to us by my sis-in-law. Leave them by the fireplace with a glass of milk. But our Santa is very picky.
So instead of doing that and a million other things, I thought why not share two outfits from this week's work outfits.
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This is an outfit already posted on instagram. I got this red sweater dress from 2 seasons ago -- to wear it for our Christmas Party at work. I paired it with a faux fur vest. I wore it again (not for Christmas party) but for hubs' work dinner.
It's still a good outfit for holiday gatherings. Here's more red sweater dresses on Macy's that are currently available. Since mine is old.
Before the temps dropped to the teens, we went to a breakfast with Santa event that benefitted a local little league. The children had fun. There was even caroling with Santa. This Santa knows how to play the guitar!
I know that adventing is not a proper word, but we have been "adventing" here.
1. Did you see our snaps when the children made their advent frieze (thanks Magnifikids for the instructions!). I was behind on it, just like lots of things. We did the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week of advent project all in one night.
Since then, they have been asking to finish the frieze. Let's wait for the 4th Sunday of advent, kids.
2. Again late, but we blessed our Christmas tree. We received a book of prayers for children and families when Daniel had his prep for First Reconciliation and First Communion. There's a prayer for blessing the Christmas tree there. Do you guys bless your trees?
3. We don't have an advent wreath.. SHOCKER! why!
When we were at church on Sunday, I was explaining the rose candle and Gaudete Sunday. My son asked: where are the candles at home? (insert monkey covering its eyes emoji here).
4. Why are holiday parties before the holidays? I am ok with the party but in terms of presents, maybe we are best at waiting until Christmas or the octave of Christmas before opening the presents? I understand that not everybody can celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day at home, with relatives and with friends and coworkers so we just have to spread out the cheer... Even though the parties are during advent.
I wrapped 3 gifts for the white elephant exchange gift at my work party. The theme was "garage sale." Don't buy anything new. Just something from the house that you'd like to give away. Bastian got these pearls. (funny!)
Nobody wanted to steal those pearls from him.
5. Christmas Novena. We are nearing the last few days of advent. One special Filipino tradition that I miss is the Christmas Novena or Simbang Gabi. Catholics go to Mass early in the morning for 9 days before Christmas.
6. I love our advent calendar from PB kids. Thanks, Uncle B!
My only review is that the pockets are very tight. Our sock baby Jesus from this project could not fit. We used our baby Jesus from our Nativity set for kids. I guess, we could have used candy canes or a cross or something (what do you use?) but it helps reminding the children that Christmas is about Jesus. They enjoy moving Jesus from one pocket to the next.
7. A view of the children all clustered around their papa. I was working on Christmas cards and they were watching TV before bed.
We have been getting questions: are you guys moving? You will have 5 kids soon? Do you have enough rooms?
We may only have 3 bedrooms but our children are always with us in the family room. The sunroom during winter and living room feel left out.
affiliate links are used. if it's gray, it's a link. hover it and it becomes pink. Happy shopping!
Because of my expanding hips and belly, I got away from pants a long time ago. I don't really like wearing leggings as pants (because they are not). So during winter, I still wear my dresses but with leggings or tights.
My little ballerina had her Christmas recital at a residential assisted living. She missed last year's because of a GI bug. I missed most of it because I was with my eldest who had his First Reconciliation. hooray! I am so happy for him.
your children attend your parish’s religious education program?
No… My children go to our parochial
school instead of public school or homeschool. I bet we can still send them to
our “Sunday school” but we just haven’t looked. We take them all to Mass with
us, ages 7 to 18 mos old. I know some churches that we have visited that have “religious
ed” during a late morning Mass and then invite the children to the Parish
education room during homily.
How's advent for everybody?
Every year, I want to do more during advent. Daily advent prayer as a family. Lighting our advent wreath every night during supper. Do Elf on the shelf (but not really... my sister is good at it but not me). Bake Christmas cookies with the littles and give them to relatives... more... more... more...
The reality: I was not prepared for the advent wreath. The candles are all broken. Not really the safest way to burn candles.
I showed the children their pjs already from St. Nick. His feastday is December 6th. ... you'll soon know why. Coming at your mailbox soon.
What we have going on:
our advent calendar from Uncle B. thanks! instead of the chocolates I did in year past, we just move baby Jesus. The children haven't missed a day yet. He is actually on the correct date.
We have our tree up. That's good right?
now for Mass grades.
I am participating with Kelly and friends for seven quick takes Friday. I am done with my EEGs and notes. I am caught up. So what else to do… It’s not like I can wrap this and these and these.When I get home, I will. But I am not at home, so let me publish this.
Thank you for the sweet comments here, on FB and text messages after writing this post. At first, I was unsure if I should share… but if it will help a soul out there, then it’s ok. Dear friends you are not alone. Posting that reminded me that I am not alone.
Tis the season.3 out of 6 Delima’s got some viral thing going on. First it was a cough going around. Lucy, Daniel and Isabel were infected. Now, Derrick and I got this one night/one day fever. The only other symptom we had were maybe slight chills and fatigue. Derrick and Lucy have the GI symptoms but I am lucky not to have those.
I am proud of my eldest. (I rarely talk about him here anymore… I try to keep his stuff more private as he gets older). But as a mom, I am proud to share that he won the “Leader in Me” for being proactive and finishing his homework and tasks. He has gone a long way since kindergarten and first grade.
The children are addicted with the Trolls soundtrack. We have been playing it through amazon prime music at least once a day, on repeat.
Has anybody seen Moana yet? What do you think? I want to bring the children this weekend to see it.
Random outfit photo from end of summer, when I was still able to wear a skirt without tights.