I will keep everybody posted for our performance (which is not coming up soon). We have learned a little bit of the dance. Remember I am dancing with kiddos. This is not Pacemate pace!
I love dancing -- especially something liturgical and something with kids.
Weekend Get-away
Leaving the busyness of the city and our respective work, Derrick and I drove up to Harbor CountRy in Michigan and enjoyed a weekend retreat. Here are some pictures from our trip.
Enjoying 90 degree weather in October! I love the sun!
Here's my hubby being brave and going to the cold water!
Warren Dunes State Park -- so pretty! We recommend this part of the lake for "better views" (vs. the Indiana Dunes, I suppose)
Town next to Union Pier, New Buffalo. We enjoyed an afternoon at the Harvest Fest.
And of course, celebrating our anniversary would not be complete without Christ! We visited St. Mary of the Lake Church and celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. And we also signed up to sponsor a 10 yo Filipino through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging. The girl we chose loves to dance (like me!) and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up! Derrick and I will be sponsoring her schooling. Cool!
Linking up with these wonderful ladies!
This Ain't the Lyceum for Seven Quick Takes
For Outfit inspirations:
Away from the Blue for Weekday Wear
Color and Grace
Glass of Glam on Mondays we link up
Not Dead Yet Style for Visible Monday
Elegantly Dressed and Stylish for Turning Heads linkup
I do de Claire for Twosday linkup
Coast to Coast for Ageless Style linkup (first Tuesday of the month)
Myriad Musings for Style Swap Tuesdays
Jersey Girl, Texan Heart
Elegance and Mommyhood
Doused in Pink for Thursdays Fashion Files
Style-Splash for Sunday Reflections
updated: 082519 sd
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Almost a year
1. Our first year went by so fast -- highs and lows, good times and bad times. Good reminder of our vows: "I promise to be true to you, in good times and in bad..."
2. Great Adventure - Derrick had his first Bible study ever last year! It was a great blessing. God planned it perfectly! The Great Adventure, A Journey Through the Bible covered 14 books of the Bible in a 24-week period. What a good foundation for Derrick to continue his study of Scripture! Check out http://www.greatadventureonline.com/
3. Selflessness - Still working on that -- every hour of every day. In this marriage (or any marriage!), communication and compromise are very important.
4. Travel - God blessed me and Derrick with an awesome honeymoon (Paris and London!) and we also visited the Philippines between 3rd year and 4th year.
5. Working and helping each other- Derrick is an enormous help when I have troubles. And I feel that I also impart something to him-- may it be my passion for reading or exploring God's word, or my crazy, cheery self when I want to see him smile.
6. Our own family - It is truly a dream come true for me to have found my one, true love, one that I could absolutely share my growth and my drawbacks, my successes and my disappointments, my dreams and my fears.
7. Children - I have not changed my mind! I still want a big family! Children are blessings from the Lord. If it is his will for me and Derrick to raise x number of children -- so be it! "Children too are a gift from the LORD, the fruit of the womb, a reward." Psalms 127:3.
8. Trust - I will finish this entry with one of my several favorite verses: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs: 3:5-6.