I am a newbie to
Jennifer Fulwiler's website:
conversiondiary. Here are my answers to her questions as I introduce myself to her (and her readers!):
1. Tell me a little bit about your own spiritual journey: what were your religious beliefs when you were younger? What are your religious beliefs now (if different)?
I am a cradle Catholic. Baptized and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church. I attended Catholic schools all the way to highschool. I experienced “spiritual dryness” and dark times (if one can call them that) during college. I still attended church but when I was sitting on the pews, it felt like the altar was miles away. I asked and asked God how I can be close to him and finally during medical school, I met 3 wonderful amazing Christian women that ignited a spark inside me. We had Bible study and faith sharing during the first 2 years of medical school. At the same time, I started reading more about the Church. I searched for the truth and I am thankful that the Lord has placed this knowing in my heart that I am truly with Jesus and at home with the Church.
2.Where are you from?
Born in the Philippines and then moved to the US just in time for college where I met my amazing husband. We started dating while I was in medical school and got engaged 10 months later. We got married on the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and been married for 5 years! We have a 2 ½ yo boy: Daniel and 2 mo old baby girl: Isabel.
3. What is one book* that has had a great impact on your life (other than the Bible)?
I like a lot of books: but the one book that really started my “wanting to read more” about the Church was Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn. Since then, I have read (and enjoyed) Catholic for a Reason, Building Better Families, Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality, Search and Rescue, The Lamb’s Supper, Hail Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God and tons more!
I also like CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, Completely His, Every Woman's battle,The Five Love Languages.
4. Tell me a little bit about your daily life: what is a typical day like for you? What’s your favorite part of each day?
Currently I am a stay at home mom on my maternity leave! Just had my little Isabel who is 2 months old.
My other full time job is being a child neurologist in training (what they call resident doctors!) I work 60-80 hours a week. I love my job. But my favorite part of the day is coming home and receiving a big embrace from my Daniel! And pretty soon, getting that smile from Isabel when I return from the hospital or clinic!
I love that at the end of the day (after a busy day of being a mom and a doctor) I get a big hug from my husband as I sleep!
Where does prayer come in my day: ANYTIME! Getting out of bed: I say a quick thanks and praise to God, while driving, while seeing patients, while walking or running up and down the stairs, while making dinner, while changing diapers, anytime! My most effective prayer (esp when I am stressed out and anxious) is: Jesus, I love you.