
All about Daniel vol 7

Me: What's this you drew today?

D: It's upside down.
Me: Oh
D: It's a digger.

Me: I'm in the bathroom. Give me privacy please.
Lil D: what's privacy?!
{privacy -- none in this house}

Via Instagram @donnacruzyl

Another package arrived in the house.
D: mummy, why do you buy a lot? Stop getting a lot of things.
Me: why?
D: you got a lot of purses already.
{Derrick was so pleased with son's observation..... And comment}

Bonus drawing for y'all.

Daniel's drawing of his family.
I look like a witch. Derrick looks like cockroach.


Still pregnant, letter, pager blues {7 quick takes Friday vol 40}

Linking up with Jen at conversion diary cos it's Friday.

I'm still pregnant. I'm 37 weeks plus change so I'm considered full term. I'm actually feeling pretty well. Walks after a full day in the clinic are more tiring. Hips are achier. Bladder emptying trips are more frequent. But overall, I'm doing well.

Remember my request for prayers in a previous 7qt post? Thanks so much to all my prayer warriors. I've been less anxious and in fact, excited about this challenge instead of freaking out. Same requests this week: trust in God and peace that it will all work out.

I received my first letter from the teacher regarding my TK's behaviors. Sad, sad, sad day. I'm actually waiting for the letter because listening is not my TK's best skill. Hubs told Lil D: mummy and I don't want to receive any more letters from the teacher, ok.

I'm on home call this weekend. What was I thinking when I made that schedule?! Obviously not the fact that baby has dropped and that I'm going to the bathroom every 1.5 hour and that a snail has a faster pace than me!

5. More pregnancy takes:
A mom in clinic told me today:
Have a good Labor Day. Don't take it too literally and go into labor! (Funny!)
I don't think whoever I'm on call with {staff or resident} will appreciate me missing in action if I don't take my last 2 weekday calls at 38weeks + 2 days and at 38+ 6 days. Again, I was a bit over ambitious to take as much home call now. my rationale was when I return to work, I won't have a weekend call until December or tons of weeknight calls my first two weeks back.

Me: this chair feels wet.
Co worker looked at me visibly concerned.
Me: my water did not break, no worries.
Coworker: a comment like that coming from a full term pregnant lady is not really something we take lightly.
I'm distressing my coworkers and parents in clinic. I think they expect me to go into labor and deliver then and there.... I don't plan on doing that. But who am I to plan these unpredictable things?

7. Picture I'm sharing:
Hint: maybe ill use same pict for my 37 week bump update.

Does my belly look like it dropped? It's definitely pushing down on my bladder.


Belly bump update #36

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
All done with 36 weeks! We are officially full term tomorrow!
Best Moment this week?
My day out with hubs.
Prayer requests?
Healthy pregnancy and safe delivery
What scripture is speaking to you this week?
" Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough."
Luke 13:24

Our journey is difficult but Christ gives us all the grace we need to enter through the narrow gate. We just have to accept his grace and his help. The cross is the way. Jesus is the way to heaven. Salvation is not a passive thing that happens to us. We have to do our part. {paraphrasing from Fr. Roberts' Sunday message}
Baby's growth?
Baby D3 now weighs almost 6 pounds (maybe even more! because he/she measured 5 lbs 13 oz a week ago) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long
Hips and back are hurting more. Joints and ligaments are loosening and preparing for the delivery.
Medical Stuff?
Blood pressure remains stable. Baby D3 has a strong heart rate.
Weight gain (or loss)?
+2 lbs from last week! Total of 37 lbs weight gain.
We ate out a lot this weekend. Excessive Salt and sodium in my food and of course, baby D3 is gaining an ounce a day!
-Walked a lot downtown this weekend.
-Parking far at school drop off and at work to get a mile or two of walking per day.
Cravings? Food Aversions?
-I love dark chocolate but nowadays after a bite or so, I'm just done with it.
-I still don't like red meat that much.
What Made Me Cry This Week?
I was reviewing the stages of labor... I cried when I was reading the transition stage (painful contractions close together, about a min apart) and the delivery. Reading the second stage blow-by-blow, step-by-step reminded me of my previous deliveries. Pushing, baby's descent, first glimpse of the baby, and so on.
Call it fear because I remembered my previous deliveries.
Add pregnancy hormones and voila! I cried.
I need and crave tons of it. I wake up at least 1-2x to empty my bladder.
Maternity Clothes?
Gap maternity tanks - perfect for the summer weekends.
Black is slimming, don't you think?
We don't know!
Baby D3 loves to move especially after I've started eating. He/she thanks me for loading my bloodstream with glucose. I also see a lot of belly movements while seeing patients. I wonder if my patients notice my belly.
What I'm looking forward to....
Baby D3's arrival!!!
Labor Signs?
First episode of Braxton hicks last Thursday {4 days ago}.
About the rest of the family...
Kids are excited. My mom's excited. She already ordered her third carseat for her grandma mobile.

Linking up: babies and beyond at proverbs and pacifiers and beauty in the mess.


Black is slimming {wiws, Sunday style}

Happy happy Sunday!

I had to wear shorts on this hot summer day. Can you even tell I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant if I wasn't holding my belly?

Details, details:
Top: zulily
Shorts: motherhood maternity
Bib necklace: zulily
Flippity flops: reef
All natural look and gave myself a break from my hot pink lipstick.

The hubs and I enjoyed such a fun filled busy Saturday. I survived it all. Granted, we went to see a movie first {so that was mostly sitting}, then we filled our bellies with delicious tapas, then watched {all 4 quarters} of the colts football game. I was yawning all night long. I'm so happy with the walking we did downtown. I cannot powerwalk anymore but we surely made it from the parking garage to the stadium and back without needing a wheelchair or a stroller! But I was honest with my husband. In 2 weeks {at 38+ some days} I am not sure if I'll be ambitious enough to watch the football season opener. I don't want to be the lady in the news who delivered at the football stadium. I don't want to place my husband in that situation. He has seen his children born but I don't want him to physically be responsible delivering his own baby. He is not in the medical field and I don't want him freaking out.

^^zulily colts blue nonmaternity top, motherhood maternity Bermudas, reef flip flops^^

^^such good food from BARcelona Tapas^^

For bonus outfits, I tried to snap a few bump pictures for 36 week bump update. They did not turn out as bright or pretty as I wanted. I had another opportunity with hubs taking the Picts so ill post those later.

Baby D3 is getting bigger and moving a lot. In 3 weeks or less and we are gonna meet our new baby boy or girl.

Linking it up:
Plane pretty
What I wore


Isabel, TK lunch, pregnant and hormonal {7qt vol 39}

1. This week has been a week of adorable Isabel outfits. I'm biased because she's my daughter. But she has received tons of compliments from school. The teachers all wanna borrow her pink boots!

What she wore:

^^ dress from Nordstrom, thanks Lola Lisa. Stride rite shoes^^

^^navy stripes from Carter's. boots - her faves from target^^

^^ Circo top. Osh kosh shorts. Pink boots^^

^^tutu dress from zulily. Leather Purse from cancun, Mexico. Personalized with her name. Socks Carter's or Circo {I forgot}^^

2. pregnancy
I'm seeing a difference with my walking, stamina, my heart rate, my ligaments and joints. My hips are achier. And carrying Isabel after a full day at work can be challenging. What a difference 35 weeks --> 36 weeks!
Nurses, doctors and parents at work are all commenting on my belly hugeness. Or the fact that I'm gonna go on labor anytime soon!

3. Pregnancy hormones
I almost cried during a procedure. The patient was crying. His younger sister {not a patient} cried with him. The little girl reminded me of my Isabel. I almost cried.

All these familiar feelings coming back. Postpartum hormones and emotions are gonna be fun {not!}

4. What TK is teaching us:
We missed our cafeteria order for August. Oops. So now Daniel has to drink water for snack and lunch. He misses his milk. He is so thirsty when gets home. I tried tropical juice with carrot juice in it {can't tell the carrot juice part} and he still didn't drink it. Next day, I packed apple juice -- the squeezie bottle came back full.

Daniel has been my picky eater. But he better maintain his weight and height velocity Or else I'm gonna be crazy momma again. I remember that mom who asked for a feeding study because her 10-month old was gagging and choking with food. He only wanted to nurse. That mom was me.
Daniel turned out fine. We just needed to teach him that he needed to lateralize his tongue and push the food around etc etc and not let the food pool at the back of his throat.

So to do this weekend:
Sign in the cafe site
Order milk for month of sept

5. Lunch ideas
I'm running out of ideas for my picky eater. He's only been in school for 5 days so clearly I'm failing here. At home, I can offer him dinner-left overs for lunch. But Derrick doesn't want him to eat "cold leftovers" so we are stuck with sandwiches. And my Lil D doesn't like deli sandwiches.

Thanks to a friend who showed me this website: it looks promising! I just have to convince my picky eater that the food is nonpoisonous.

6. Football
I look forward to this weekend. Derrick and I are going to another pre-season colts game and it's in the evening. Ooohlala. The kids are staying with my mom.

Do I hear the last hurrah for these parents before baby D3 joins us? Uh-huh.
Devour downtown is on right now. There are cool restaurants I wanna visit and don't feel bad spending $35/person when usual menu is $70-100/person.

Burberry emails are so pretty to look at...
Me: why can't you be a surgeon so u can buy me these things? {a familiar joke in our relationship, because Derrick is afraid of blood, guts, needles}
D: do u see my hands? They are shaky! {he showed me an exaggerated postural and intention tremor}

Joining Jen Fulwiler @ conversiondiary as usual!

Happy Friday y'all!


Hers: Boots and stripes His: white polo shirt

It's Wednesday! Usually Isabel leaves the house still on her pj's to go to Lolo's house. I got Daniel ready this morning so I know his outfit of the day. It's his modified school uniform.

I'm surprised to see Isabel's outfit this afternoon. I totally love it. I just had to share. {kudos to both hubs and father-in-law. Their sense of style is amazing!}

Isabel ootd:
Carter navy stripes dress, gift
Her beloved pink target boots
Her favorite snack: Hawaiian rolls

I say: let's take your pict and they willingly pose and give me their sweetest smile. I'm so crazy for these two.

Daniel modified uniform:
White polo shirt, thanks to my old navy reward points
Shorts: Carter's
Light saber from auntie S.

Linking up with wkww @ onelittlemomma


Derrick's wise words

Daniel: why are we here? To get books?
Derrick: no, we are dropping off mummy's DVDs.
Me: the library is closed.
Derrick: librarians have a life, that's why they closed it on Friday night.
{is he being sarcastic?}

Me: this is the key to my postpartum weight loss. {pointing to insanity dvd collection}
Will u join me Hun?
Derrick: I can. If I don't die doing it.

Me showing him a dress: is this appropriate?
Derrick: hesitating... about to say no, I can totally read him. But I like it though.

Derrick: is that so&so colts player?!
{he can spot footballers and b-ball stars anywhere!}
Me: look at his pregnant wife! She has a Louis.
His/hers: football/fashion
What's important comes out in an instant.

Me: you told me I don't need a financial adviser.
D: I am your financial adviser.
Me: I know.
D: plus you don't listen anyway. And you'll be paying somebody just so you won't listen to him?
(I know I married a catch! Honest, brutal but true!)


Belly bump update #35

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
Done with 35 weeks... Which means we are having a baby in 4 weeks or less!
Best Moment this week?
Another ultrasound this morning. Check out baby's side profile.

Prayer requests?
Healthy rest of pregnancy
Healthy delivery
What scripture is speaking to you this week?
Psalm 62:5-8
Baby's growth?
Baby D3 is over 18 inches long and weighs about 5 lbs and 13 oz per ultrasound.
Weight is 55th percentile.
Estimating 1/2 a lb of weight gain for Baby D3 per week, we are gonna have a 7 lb 13 oz baby if I make it to my due date.
Constipation, reflux
Medical Stuff?
--- Fluid around baby is within normal limits. I measured 32.5 cm fundal height but seeing the ultrasound, I am carrying an AGA {appropriate for gestational age} baby.
--- baby D3 is head down with spine on my left upper quadrant. I feel a lot of movement on my right side that's because the hands and legs are there. I knew it! He/she has not turned faced down yet. Not quite facing up but a little rotated to the side.
Weight gain (or loss)?
+35 lbs
I finished the rest of the pint of gelato in one sitting. Scared me enough that I worked out using my soft weighted ball. Heart rate goes up right away!
I am parking about 2 blocks away from clinic. I like the walk because it's the summer.
Cravings? Food Aversions?
Fruit, carbs and sweets are my faves.
What Made Me Cry This Week?
I am truly hormonal.
--- I almost cried dropping off Daniel in school on his first day of transitional kindergarten.
--- Seeing Isabel hurt or crying also breaks my heart.
I love it!
Maternity Clothes?
I love the challenge of mixing and matching my maternity outfits.
Boy or girl? We don't know.
I love watching my belly move. I show the kids and they are just mesmerized.
What I miss....
Nigiri.... Counting down the days!
What I'm looking forward to....
This last month of pregnancy is going to fly by so fast, I just know it.
Labor Signs?
Keeping up with hydration to avoid any painful Braxton hicks contractions.
About the rest of the family...

We spent the day at the park at the annual summer picnic hosted by Derrick's work.

Linking up: babies and beyond at proverbs and pacifiers and beauty in the mess.


Maxi dress and butterflies {wiws}

I thought I wanted all sons. Yeah right. I'm glad God did not listen to my petty wishes. Isabel is full of surprises. I'm amazed every single day of the little things she could do at a young age.

Having a girl means dresses and accessories. Thanks to our family in California for the beautiful butterflies dress. It's still a little big but I placed a pink belt (from another dress/gift) and it worked out. Isabel has been wearing her pink boots all week. She likes to dress herself and have a say on her clothes. {this really starts at 21 months of age? I did not know}

Isabel's outfit is so cute I wanna replicate it!
Dress: H&M {thanks auntie Feli}
Belt: guess {thanks auntie Suzy}
Boots: Target

Isabel had a lot of compliments last Friday when she wore a green flowery dress for the daycare luau. She matched her dress with her boots. So cute. She also loved the chocolate fondu fountain at my work party. I brought her to show her off!

My outfit:
Maternity dress: old navy {also seen here}
Shrug: from my grandma
Necklace: zulily
Peep toe sandals: Nine West {old}

Mass behaviors:
D: we have to work on listening, facing the altar and less dancing during Mass so he gets a B
I: She read her books quietly, sat on our laps, Fussed towards the end of Mass bec she's hungry and sleepy. She gets a B+

It's so nice to see newborns in church. Another family from our Agape group had their baby about a month ago. We said hi after Mass and I showed Isabel the little baby. Isabel just gave me a blank look, actually more like a look of disbelief. I can read her face: you mean all this talk about having a baby is for real? And babies look like that?

Sweet baby C was actually sleeping peacefully in her carseat. She didn't move, make a fuss or anything. So I don't know why Isabel isn't sold to this we are having a baby in 4 weeks or less announcement!

Linking up with FineLinen&Purple for what I wore Sunday
What kids wore @ onelittlemomma
Sunday style @ plane pretty

Have a blessed Sunday!


Conversation with my manicurist {and a letter of gratitude}

I do my own nails. I splurge with an occasional pedicure every now and then. During pregnancy, I do not have a choice because I cannot reach my toes. Funny thing, my manicurist (John – name changed!) only sees me during pregnancy.

Just like my hairdresser, John pretty much knows about my life! I always request him to do my nails because he takes his time compared to the other manicurist. He also is very personable. I am not weirded out at all that a guy is doing my nails! Haha. Most of all he does a great job. I love how my nails turn out.

We talk about the usual stuff: when I am due, what plans we have for the weekend (that’s usually my mani/pedi time), the kids, when I am finally gonna start my “real” job etc. etc. But today, our conversation steered towards our grandparents. He is visiting his in CA. He said he is thankful that he speaks his native language or else he won’t be able to converse with his grandparents.

I told him proudly that my grandparents know how to speak, write and understand English. He was surprised. Things that I took for granted or things I “assumed” were the norm specially when I was young were obviously not the norm. So naive!

I am lucky to have grandparents who finished highschool. Just a little background, I am from a farming family. My maternal great-grandpa was a farmer and my greatgrandma was a homemaker. I am not sure how far they got in their education. My maternal grandma finished highschool in the 1950s. Since the US military had a big presence in the Philippines post World War II, English was taught in the school system. So that’s one advantage already there for my grandparents compared to other Southeast Asian countries.

But what I am most proud of is that my grandparents got my parents through college. Lolo P drove a cab at the Subic US Naval base (where he practiced his English) and Mama C had her own little business growing these plants to sell the citrus fruit. She’d tell us stories that she’d commute 2 hours to bring a whole week’s meal to my mom and uncle so they didn’t have to grocery shop or cook. She wanted them to focus on their studies. Plus, it’s obviously cheaper to have home cooked meals rather than eat out.

The sacrifices of my grandparents bore fruit. My mom and uncle are the first generation to achieve a degree in my family. The sacrifices of my parents also brought me where I am today.

At a young age, I saw poverty all over the Philippines. I saw hardships and hunger. My sister and I always had full bellies -- Thanks again to my grandparents and parents. Both of my parents worked overseas because compensation was better abroad. And again, thanks be to God, Mom settled here in the US. If not for that, I won’t have had the opportunity to go to private schools, obtain a degree or finish my MD training.

I see all my achievements stemming from the sacrifices of that loving mom who picked out calamansi under the heat of the sun, who rode a bus to see her kids 2 hours away bringing a basket filled to the brim. Mama C cooks really delicious Filipino food and I tried replicating those meals several times before and failed.

Oh how I miss my Mama. She raised me and my sister while mom and dad were away.

All this contemplation and gratitude came from my conversation with my manicurist. Who would have thought.

Thanks mama and lolo for all you’ve done. I miss you so much. I want to show you your greatgrandkids in person – maybe soon!

Thanks mom and dad for making that hard choice to leave me and Lady. I understand you did it for us and for our future. I don’t disagree a bit!

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his steadfast love endures for ever!

Psalm 118:1


7 quick takes vol 38

1. Guess who's a big preschooler?!
So proud of my boy. His first day at the big school was yesterday.

2. Orientation
We met the TK {transitional Kindergarten} teacher last Wednesday for an hour. Lil D and i had the chance to eat breakfast before the meeting. It was a mummy and me morning date. I took him to the same brunch place when he and I went out spontaneously when he was just 6 months old. He just stayed in his car seat and let me enjoy my breakfast. 3.5 years later, he is a big boy sitting across the table from me.

^^sipping his coffee, uhm, chocolate milk^^

3. It takes a village
Totally agree with Jen's post that it takes a village to rear a child.
This is my shout-out to my mom and my in-laws for stepping up and picking up Daniel while Derrick and I are still at work. Thanks so much!

I drew this map for my mom, hoping it will help her orient herself when she picks up Lil D.
Drawn by a kindergartener age 30 years old. I am no artist.

4. Speaking of family:
Another shout out to my sister. It's her big birthday today.

^^old pict but one of my faves with my sister and grandma. In Monterey bay, such a pretty place^^

switching gears, or else this post will just be 7qt: TK edition.
5. Happy death anniversary to my ganglion cyst, Alfred. Surgically removed 8/15/12 under general anesthesia with propofol and a brachial plexus block. I battled with Alfred coming and going. Used to be in college, he just disappeared without intervention. Then came my first baby. Alfred came and grew and grew. He never popped and disappeared so I sought a hand surgeon. I was afraid of surgery so we just rested my hand after receiving a steroid shot. Plus I was doing a neonatal ICU rotation in Peds then. I knew I needed 2 hands to put lines and intubate. And I had a 6 month old Daniel then. I had to carry him around.
So I skipped push ups and heavy lifting per surgeon's recs. I paid dearly for skipping those important workouts. I was out of shape. Isabel came and Alfred came again.

So I finally decided to get rid of him. 8/15/12 he left and I told him: he better not come back. My left wrist was immobilized for 12 days. Then physical therapy started while we were on vacation in Lake Michigan.

I don't miss Alfred.

^^playing tee-ball with Daniel. Nothing can stop me, even my immobilized wrist.^^

6. prayer request:
Still in this awful limbo of uncertainty. My prayer requests:
-not be bitter
-not be annoyed of certain people or certain circumstances just because I'm in this position
-trust and accept God's plan
-may this experience be a path to holiness

7. Another picture I am sharing:

Isabel had to join the fun! Of course!

Linking up with Jennifer Fulwiler @ conversiondiary.

Happy Friday to all!


Bump it outfits

Linking up with Lindsey @ thepleatedpoppy.

Recycling and mix-&-matching maternity outfits can be tricky. I like the challenge. I refused to buy maternity clothes when I was pregnant for the first time. I thought the prices were too much for tunics or maternity dresses or tanks. So i stretched the fabric of my loose tanks and sweaters. I went from an extra-small scrubs top to a small {that will give u an idea that I was tiny for my first pregnancy}.

With my second pregnancy, I blew up! I added a few more maternity pieces and loose nonmaternity dresses and tops to my prego collection. I went from an extra small scrubs top to a small to a medium! Aaaaah! Same thing for the scrub bottoms. I was wearing medium's on my second trimester because the smalls were too tight on my thighs.

So where am I going with this post? With babyD3 growing in my belly, I added even more prego outfits to my closet. I bought gap maternity and motherhood maternity before. But this time, thanks to friends and blogs, I looked at old navy maternity. The prices were more reasonable. I also found key pieces from zulily.

Sharing how I took the challenge of mixing and matching my maternity outfits this week:

Top: motherhood maternity
Belt: old navy
Bottom: motherhood maternity, thrifted
Flats: me Too {old and comfy}
Pearls: from my grandma

Wednesday: too pink?
Maternity tunic: old navy
Bottom: Bella band tights from target
Flats: mossimo target
Pearls: gift from my MIL
Cross body: Kate spade

Thursday: pieces you've seen before for sure
Top: zulily
Skirt: old navy maternity
Necklace: zulily
Flats: bandolino

^^my hubs like the challenge, kids sneaking in the pict. Thanks, love, for playing along so I could post these online^^


Belly bump update #34

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
Finished 34 weeks
Best Moment this week?
Another free weekend: saturday at the fair, Sunday at the football stadium
Prayer requests?
Trust in God's providence
Less worrying and anxiety
What scripture is speaking to you this week?
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27
Baby's growth?
baby D3 weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. She's gonna run out of room to do her somersaults. I hope she's head down.

Constipation, reflux
I'm getting bigger now that turning while in bed is hard. I feel like I'm a turtle who cannot get up. Help, help.
Medical Stuff?
My belly measured smaller than expected last week so an ultrasound is scheduled next week.
Weight gain (or loss)?
I have been steady until this last weekend. Must be the grease and salty foods at the fair! +34 lbs total
Terrible terrible me.
I just walked a lot at the fair, walked to and from the stadium, took a lot of stairs, etc etc.
Cravings? Food Aversions?
Still no to cooking meat
Enjoying my carbs, bagels and toast. Fruit: mango, cherries, grapes
What Made Me Cry This Week?
Receiving bad news
Tossing and turning but overall better compared to my second pregnancy. With my second pregnancy, I slept sitting up from 6 months gestation to Isabel's birth.
Maternity Clothes?
And a nonmaternity dress or top here and there
It's a surprise
The kids can now see my belly movements, belly distorted by a leg stretching. Daniel loves it.
What I miss....
Wine and margarita {especially last week}
About the rest of the family...
Daniel's big start of the school year is this week. He's a big boy!
It's meet the teacher night tomorrow!

Linking up: babies and beyond at proverbs and pacifiers and beauty in the mess.

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