
another OOTD post but with a fancier camera

I don't have a lot of opportunities to have my OOTD posts captured by a professional photographer. No offense, hubs.. your skills are getting better. 

it's just that there is something about NICER cameras and people with talent.
meet my sister.

What purses are to me... what cameras and lenses are to her.
except the purses are just for me... whereas other people benefit with her camera... (her words!) so true, indeed. 

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Saint Laurent clutch

photos by: DSL

Linking up with HollySarahDorandaMorgan, LeanneElizabeth, Elena,  Madeline,  Jaymie,  SydneyDanielleGrace, Brooke.

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 photo 246815ec-e7c9-459a-b2c2-56c1cd085dc2_zpses0xqjcx.jpg


  1. Haha...I completely understand! My Hubs is usually my photog, too. This past weekend one of my photographer friends took some pro pics of me for What We Wore during a family photo session. Exciting! Love your shoes and skirt! --- Amy @ http://thegiftedgabber.com


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