Daniel Isaac born 7.20.09 at 1452.
Birth weight: 6 lbs 5 oz
Length: 19.5 inches
Head circumference: 31 cm
Early Labor started 11p Sunday night but I was able to sleep for about 1.5 hrs. When I got up to use the bathroom, the cramping was still present. And I could not sleep anymore. I woke up Derrick after a few more consistent cramping every 5-7 mins. We called the OB on call at 4:30a but we knew I was still in early labor so no chance of going to the hosp yet. The OB-on call adviced us to notify them when the contractions are consistently every 5mins or less. I tried to sleep some more as adviced by the OB-on call and failed (as expected). I knew I had to save my strength. At 6a, I went to take a shower -- I just had to do something and I was getting ready for the BIG day! At 8:30a, we called the OB clinic. We were asked to go to the clinic for a cervical check and fetal reactive tracing. (I could probably have been sent to the hosp then if I wanted an epidural. But since I wanted to go natural and I was still smiling even with the contractions, they opted to bring me to the clinic).
At the clinic, baby Daniel had a consistent heart rate on the 140s but since I was hungry (and did not really feel like eating either) he was not moving as much as my OB wanted. I was offered apple juice and cheerios which I ate slowly. And as expected, the baby's heart rate reacted with the contractions.
At 10:30a, my cervix was 4 cm dilated and I had more and more bloody mucus (bloody show).
We were sent home to relax and take walks etc. but my OB said if I had to concentrate more and more with the contractions then we have to go to the hosp. If we haven't gone to the hosp or called her by 1p, she wanted a quick update anyway.
So Derrick and Mom ate lunch at home and at that point, I knew the contractions were getting stronger. I was pacing all over the first floor of the house, used my exercise ball, and concentrated with my breathing with every contraction. I asked to be brought to the hosp right after they ate. I tried to eat as well but only a little bit since I felt nauseous.
We were on our way to the hosp at 1245p. Arrived at the hosp around 1p. After they checked the contration and fetal heart tracing again and finished their History and Physical (which showed that I was 7 cm dilated!!! oh yes I was on active labor and knew the hardest part is coming -- the transition phase!), my amniotic sac broke. When it happened, I was about to get up bec the nurse asked me if I'd like to take a walk, use the shower or the hot tub, or sit on the birthing ball, etc.
The transition phase came and it was definitely LABOR!
What a weird sensation, with increasing strength of the contractions, I could feel my uterus pushing (by itself!) and I truly felt the urge the push. The nurse called my OB bec of how fast my labor was progressing. My OB came and was running to the hosp. And I was 10 cm dilated when she checked! yup, I was ready to push!
It's funny that I know in my head how to push after seeing women in labor, however, I was still very much out of sync! I was not pulling my legs, instead I would grip the top of the bed. I was extending my neck instead of crunching. I would push while exhaling when I should keep my breath in. But one thing I remember, I was able to hold my breath and push for the full 10 seconds!
After a few more contrations - I think I finally got it - I was able to push the little one!!! I was so excited to see his face! He was placed on my chest/abdomen skin to skin! I was able to breastfeed before they took him for measurements. He is a good latcher, very awake and active. (probably bec I did not get any pain meds -- not even Tylenol).
I looked at him. I forgot how painful the contractions were (now I know 10/10 pain). I did not even feel the pinch of the needle for the local anesthetic -- it was nothing compared to the labor.
My mom asked me if I'd still do it again natural since the experience is still fresh on my mind and I answered "yes, I will do it again natural". The pain was worth it for little Daniel. The pain I also offered up to the Lord for all those little children that do not have parents that love them.
I looked at my little Daniel on my chest. I was speechless. He is perfect!
What a great feeling! I am a mother!
click on the pictures to enlarge
Papi Derrick, Mummy, Daniel
What a beautiful family! Very nice pictures, so glad everyone's healthy!
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you both! Can't wait to meet little Daniel :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful baby! we are very happy for you. Jim and Tess
ReplyDeleteSo cute...Chinitong angel. I'm happy for you!- Ez
ReplyDeleteSo precious! You've done such a great job of documenting your pregnancy and now the birth! I love being able to follow along from St. Louis. Thanks for posting the pics --I can't wait to hold him!!! September can't come soon enough!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! He is simply adorable and you all look great. Lovely pis. Thx for sharing.
ReplyDeletecute little baby boy! im so happy for you dear! god bless your family! excited to see more of your baby's pictures :) hugs and kisses! much love, cj
ReplyDeleteHe is so beautiful Sarah! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteIsis & Derrick
ReplyDeleteWow, you have one beautiful son! Already he looks intelligent! Isis, it looks like you came through it well. Congratulations to you both!
Carol O'L
hi sarah! very cute little boy. i'm soo happy for you mommy sarah :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm spending part of my Saturday reading birth stories from Grace's old link up and found yours :) I've been trying to find natural birth stories since I really want to do it medication-free. I love yours, and how you offered up the pain! Feel free to pass along any tips :) I'm starting to get nervous!