1. Biggest news
I officially finished residency at 6:45p yesterday. I signed out my last patient as a resident. I turned in my pager.
It's a been a long road.
I made it.
God is good.

2. What am I to do with my first real paycheck? I want to treat myself.
As in an expensive treat. So far, it's not gonna fly with the chief financial officer of the household. We have med school loans to pay! Yuck!
But I'm dreaming of this:

Or maybe this:

What do you think?
3. New obsession
Thanks to shalice, I'm so crazy about distressed jeans. She pairs them so well with blazers, statement necklaces and her Louis Vuitton. Since I am now part-time (yippee!) I have days off that I can be more casual. What ended up happening in the past was I dress 'down' on the weekends like at Mass ~~ when in fact, I should be dressing 'up' for God.
So now I've got a couple of days to wear my distressed jeans. As I go grocery shopping, pick up my preschooler, clean spit-ups etc.
4. Cake
Thanks to my coworkers. I received two cakes baked by two neurologists. So so sweet! I was touched. I had a great last clinic as a resident. And good thing my patients like me. They want to stay with me and see me in my own clinic.
The nurses also congratulated me and looked at me fondly. Their resident is growing up!
Pretty much the entire hospital knew it was my last day yesterday. As the different teams called me for consults or asked me for updates, they asked when I was officially done with training.

^^my favorite stairwell at the hospital ^^

^^because I see the outside world and some sunlight.

^^yep, I was there ^^
5. I also celebrated dinner with my family at my favorite sushi place. I brought friends there for my bday, after finishing step 1 of the usmle boards. That was 7 years ago! Crazy! It's truly been a long journey.
And it's not over.
I signed up for continuing medical education as a physician. It's my duty to my patients and to myself to keep learning and use evidence based medicine.

6. Momnipotence
If you haven't signed up for these daily emails and discussions, do it now! It will change how you look at your vocation as a wife and mother.
7. Picture I am sharing.

Embracing mommyhood today. Let's be real.
I didn't dress up.
No make up.
Didn't fix hair.
Changed diapers.
I lurv it!
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