
Belly bump update #29

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
29 weeks
Best Moment this week?
--A short work week
--Just hanging out with my kids and hubs
Prayer requests?
--Safe travels for my friend SJ who is leaving Indiana (hu, hu, hu) and going all the way to Portland for work and love. Ill miss her terribly. We share the same taste: mussels, brunch, trader Joe's, sriracha, hummus, Mexican food and sushi.
What scripture is speaking to you this week?
From Sunday's readings
St. Paul's letter to the Galatians:
From now on, let no one make troubles for me;
for I bear the marks of Jesus on my body.

Baby's growth?
Baby D3 stats {per babycenter}
--weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash)
-- measures over 15 inches long from head to heel
-- Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and
-- his/her head is growing bigger to make room for his/her developing brain {an awesome thing to hear for a pediatric neurologist}
-- sleep - awful
-- my GI system is out of whack: alternating constipation and soft stools {eeww}
Weight gain?
+ 30 lbs yikes, yikes...
Love the soft weighted ball reebok exercise which I've done 3x this past week. Definitely feeling my shoulders a day after
Gabby Reece prenatal workout once
Cravings? Food Aversions?
I love ice cream - it's my weakness.
Food aversions: none really unless I prepare it. I have the best intentions to make this meatball recipe from theMrs. But as soon as I saw the raw meat in Costco, I couldn't bear seeing or even touching it. If take out places are not available, ill be vegetarian. I can prep salads and pastas ok, but anything with raw meat right now, makes me a little queasy. Weird. Good thing we have saved some freezer meals that we can place in the slow cooker... Again, I have to ask my hubs' help so I don't see the raw thawed meat.
{such a high maintenance pregnant lady here}
Having trouble going to sleep. It takes me a good 30-45 minutes now. Used to be reading etc is a good bedtime routine. I even use my tablet to read. But it might be the screen light or something but I cannot just 'shut down' or quiet down my brain to get ready for sleep.
Then I lay there on my side for minutes....
My favorite spot to sleep right now is next to Isabel. Her bed is perfect for my huge belly. Our bed is soft. Hers is more firm. My huge belly doesn't sink thus my spine is less crooked. The bad side: my hubs sleeps alone, and Isabel is getting used to momma in her room.
Maternity Clothes?
Maternity clothes at work
Nonmaternity tops when I'm at home. The kids love seeing some midriff action (heehee)
Hubs laughs out loud and points at my belly
We don't know. Baby D3 is a surprise!
What I miss....
What I'm looking forward to....
My sister and nephew are on their way for a 2 week visit. Yay!
I miss them tons. Why do they live so far away...
About the rest of the family...
-- Isabel's vocabulary is flourishing. She loves to say thank you, me, mine, up, no, mummy, daddy.
--I've got sweet kids. They love giving my belly hugs and kisses. Baby D3 is spoiled.
Something I'm Excited About....
-- Daniel's party is coming up. We went to party city for some party favors (ie candy and gummies). He asked several times yesterday if we are going to his party. Oops. It's in 2 weeks and he thought it was the same day.

Trying out my iPhone self timer.
Black tunic: motherhood maternity
Skinny maternity pants: old navy

A selfie at the OB clinic. There's a mirror might as well use it.
{no shame here}



  1. Love the selfie at the OB office :) And you are such a stylish pregnant lady!

  2. So beautiful! Congrats! Thank you for visiting my blog. Hope to see you back!

    xo Lulu


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