Top, Loft, mine is sold out -- but this one is cute
Flats, Jimmy's
Gucci soho shoulder bag
I love to dance. I started at a young age. I was only 3 or 4 years old and I was already part of the elementary school dance program. I also married a guy who loves to dance. It's a must (!)
It is not a big shock that I am a dance mom.
I don't mind being a soccer mom or baseball mom or even golf (?) mom (do they even exist? yes, obvio.... but I think they are called by another name).
I enjoyed helping Isabel get ready for her recital. I don't know how to put her hair up neatly but I know how to use a hair spray and a comb. She also has very fine hair. It only took a small pony tail and messy bun and then I hid all the stray hairs inside her blue sparkly scrunchie.
Here I am boasting about that one day... that recital. But the praise needs to go to my loving husband. The other dancer in the house. He took Isabel almost every Thursday to ballet class.
Are you surprised?
how come it's not me?
I stayed at home to continue drilling Daniel for his quizzes the next day. Fridays are still the testing days in the new millenium. Lucy was also still a "heavy nurser" when spring semester started. It was just "easier over all"....
I did take isabel to some of her classes. It was a treat to do other mom duties.
She is a natural, her teachers say.
I am proud of her.
I am proud to be a dance mom.
affiliate links are used. Linking up with Rosie, Sarah, Doranda, Leanne, Elena, Jaymie, Sydney, Ada, Brooke.
Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook Bloglovin' Twitter Instagram Shop My Closet
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