affiliate links are used. fyi.
Skirt, also old, express
Vintage Chanel
I was ironing this skirt around 9:15p. I heard Sebastian crying so I just thought, well he must have gotten in trouble again. Maybe he's in time out?
Then Isabel came up the stairs.
Mama! Come downstairs. Sebastian is crying. he hit his head and there's blood on the sink.
^My photographer is so good capturing these blogger details ^
He deserves an awesome Father's Day!
Sebastian was running around and hit the brick fireplace. ouch.
The accident happened Thursday night. The med student "glued" the cut. Laceration was not that long but it was deep.
I asked for glue. I probably should have just gone with stitches. By Saturday morning, the glue came off! ugh.
Now he has an open wound. it's not bleeding as profusely as before. He will have a scar, for sure. He and his cousin, N will have matching scars.
hey boys, chicks dig scars. Make you guys look tough.
posing, like a true blogger's child
He got a Patrick Band-Aid.
^here's our attempt at using butterfly strips ^
he pulled them off after 10 minutes.
I threaten the kids: I don't want to go back to work (ie the ER) when they are wrestling and overly rambunctious.
Truly, children. I don't want to visit the ER, especially for an expensive glue -- that did not stay put! :/
affiliate links are used. Linking up with Rosie, Sarah, Doranda, Leanne, Elena, Jaymie, Sydney, Ada, Brooke.
Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook Bloglovin' Twitter Instagram Shop My Closet
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