
4 mos {7qt all about Lucy}

1. stats
wt 12 lbs 15 oz (almost 6 kg)
length 62 cm (24 inches)

2. sleeping and feeding
She sleeps for 6-7 hours at night. what a treat!
She was boycotting the bottle before. Now she takes her bottles from her grandpa.
She still won't take it from my mom or hubs.

3. giggles video

4. She has her moments though. Like when she was unhappy and pretty much TOLD ME all about it!

5. sibs
They are so in love with Lucy.
I love it when Bastian shushes her and tries to calm her down.
Isabel is also such a helper by keeping her company and making her laugh while I am doing chores or cooking.

They are also free entertainers...

6. fave outings
She has gone out to date nights with mummy and daddy. we have been to Napolese and the sushi restaurant that played BSB music all dinner-long.
She went to her first Halloween party dressed up as St. Lucy.

7. Check out her new skill
This is the reason pediatricians tell parents to never leave your baby unattended. Because they will roll over ANYTIME!

1-2-3, woll Lucy, woll. - says Isabel.

Linking up with Kelly for 7qt.

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