
Newbon look-a-likes, more favorites, postpartum care {7qt Friday}

1. My kids do not look like me! They all look alike. Their Genotype is half mine, half derrick's. But they're phenotype is all Derrick! Or phenotypic facial features at least.

2. Birth story up and published. check it out.
How about our first trip outside? Sebastian had his well child check, then I had a lovely lunch date with hubs {and sleeping baby} for some sushi.

3. More faves that I couldn't fit in my five faves post {I realized that I posted my boppy twice now on my five faves posts}
I heart our co-sleeper.

4. I heart this tote from Vera Bradley. I use it to carry necessary things all over the house. What's in it? My lanolin ointment, my phone, iPad, extra clothes for Sebastian when he has an explosion, burp clothes, sanitary pads, nursing pads, lip gloss, my phone charger, my prenatal vitamins, colace and ibuprofen. I use the tote so that all things are within reach which is extremely helpful when I'm breastfeeding.

5. Epifoam, ice packs and hospital grade anesthetic spray and other meds
The sprays and ice packs are so helpful for my sore, inflamed bottom.
I'm still using NSAIDs pretty much scheduled instead of as needed. I'm thankful for the hormone oxytocin that is released when I'm nursing because it helps shrink my uterus to it's pre-pregnancy size. But the cramping, oh my, cramping hurts.

One thing i liked this time around was start taking colace, a Stool softener, right after delivery. I'm so scared to strain because of the stitches. Colace help soften stool and relieve some of my anxiety.

6. Birthplan
I had one for Daniel's birth. It wasn't as extensive and comprehensive as this example. I just told my OB and nursing staff my wishes for baby D2 and baby D3's births. Good thing the hospital I picked for delivery already has a no pacifier rule unless moms ask for it and nurses ask breast vs bottle {I chose breast} as part of their history taking.

7. Textbooks
Not for reading yet... But soon enough when I'm not sleeping 4-5 hours of interrupted sleep, ill crack a textbook open. I use two thick, heavy textbooks as my foot stool when I'm nursing. Just in case you're wondering, I'm using these textbooks.

Both have ~950 pages each.
Maybe osmosis will work through my feet and ill absorb everything in the book to pass the Neuro boards? {I have aicardi textbook next to me. I just didn't want to rest my feet on it. I still got some respect}
Linking up with Jennifer at conversion diary.

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    1 comment:

    1. Good luck on the boards and congrats on the baby.


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