
Five Favorites {Newborn edition}

Joining grace who is guest hosting the link up for my five faves this week.

I have a newborn. He's a week old today. It's no surprise this is the newborn edition.

1. My newborn Sebastian James. I'm in love with this little guy. Cameo appearance of big sis, Isabel.

2. Bouncer
Ours was a hand me down from a friend.Daniel loved it and so far Bastian loves his daytime naps on his bouncer.


3. Sleep sack
My boy loves to be swaddled. We got ours from babies R us. But for better prices, check out the Riley safety store. They sell them for $8-12! Awesome deal!


4. Boppy
I love it for breastfeeding. Since Sebastian is still very tiny, I still have to prop the boppy with tons of pillows.


5. iBaby Log
Free app for recording nursing sessions, diaper changes, pumping times, activity, growth, milestones. Right now, I'm only using the breastfeeding and diaper logs. Another cool thing about it -- info can be synced with multiple devices and even shared with other caregivers.

Let's keep in touch:


  1. Anonymous9/11/2013

    Visiting from Camp Patton- Congratulations! I hope that you are enjoying the newborn snuggles.

    I love those sleeps sacks! I did not know that Riley had them. I will have to check the next time we are down there. They have the best deals on bike helmets there, too.

  2. Congratulations!! Newborns are so sweet- I just had one almost 5 months ago (wow, really? Time flies!).

    The Boppy is invaluable. And what a cool app! I wish I had seen those sleep sacks when mine was still so tiny.

  3. So handsome, he is. And I love his name!!

  4. Anonymous9/12/2013

    What a cute photo of the three of you! My girls loved swaddles, Boppy's, and bouncers too. Aden and Anais make the best swaddle blankets... my girls still have theirs and use them as blankees. :)


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