
Kids' faves {Five favorites}

Here's what my kids are loving these days.

1. Books
I'm so thankful my firstborn loves {loves!} books! His love for books rubs off on his little sister. Here's what they're enjoying right now.

Book from the transitional kindergarten book list. Derrick raps/sings the words of the book.

Anything Dora


2. These Popsicles from Costco.
Daniel asks for the strawberry. Isabel asks for the lime {yes, lime}. I get the pineapple.


3. Light saber
Thanks to my dear friend SJ {same initials as baby d3}. It's Daniel's bday present.
It makes a buzzing sound. It lights up, red in this case. It makes a sound and lights flicker when touched or hit. Like a "real" light saber. Real as in the movies.


4. Baby Stella
We gave Isabel this doll as her Christmas present. She carries her around and takes care of her ~~ like how I take care and feed Sebastian.


5. My newborn's fave
Besides snuggles and kisses, mummy's milk is at the very top of Sebastian's fave things as a newborn!
To prepare practicing with the bottle, I pumped already last week. He slept for 4 hours {!!!} and I was getting uncomfortable. So I expressed milk!
I freeze my breast milk and save them using these bags from lansinoh. They've worked well for my other two.

Shout out to my mom who gave us her stand alone freezer. When I'm pumping, my milk bank usually lakes over 1/2 of our freezer in our kitchen. Where am I gonna put our freezer meals and Popsicles and ice cream? Solution: extra freezer. We are officially a big Filipino family. Extra freezer in the D-house!


Linking up: five faves @ Hallie's.
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  • 1 comment:

    1. I love those outshine bars! They helped me get through my first and second trimester too... :)

      The lightsaber is adorable! I remember having a few of those around the house growing up- my siblings and I love Star Wars!


    Thank you for your comments!

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