It's the stage when toddlers wanna control what they can control.
Dressing themselves: which top or jeans or dress, what color, when they wanna be dressed, if they wanna postpone getting ready for an hour and run around naked.
Music: and it's not like they request baby Einstein or something. If they hear a top 40 song but not to their liking, they'll whine and whine and say "NO" repeatedly.
Food: we all know about picky eating during the toddler years
After threatening to leave Isabel naked, she finally let me dress her and fix her hair. We were out the door by 9:45a. After our morning walk, I bribed her for some Dora videos when she won't go back inside and threw a tantrum.
Let me not paint a bad picture of my toddler. She's so sweet and such a helper. She hands me Sebastian's diaper, petroleum jelly and wipes during diaper changes. She gave Sebastian tons and tons of kisses today. If I'm in the bathroom, she yells "out, out" telling me Sebastian wants to be picked up when he fusses. She also napped for 2.5 hours. She kept her brother company when I prepped dinner.
Overall, this day gets an A.
I've accepted the power struggles with toddlers. There are only few things they can control. Ill just have to be patient.
Some other important things today:
It's my due date today!
Derrick is back at work~~~ just a Lil tidbit here. He was off for 4 weeks when Daniel was born. Then 2 weeks for Isabel. Now 12 days for Sebastian. He would have stayed home longer but we both know he needs to keep his paid time off so when I'm back at work and kids get sick for example, he has a better chance at taking off versus me.
Linking up with one little momma.
Let's keep in touch:
The power struggles are so frustrating some days! My first wasn't too bad, but my second is crazy sometimes! Very cute kiddos- thanks for linking up!