
it could be 2 - 4 weeks {wiws}

Guess sunnies // Motherhood maternity top and skirt // 
Jcrew factory envelope clutch via eBay // saltwater sandals

Guess sunnies // Motherhood maternity top and skirt // 
Jcrew factory envelope clutch via eBay // saltwater sandals

She is praying, she said...

US Polo shirtdress via zulily // Gap tights // saltwater sandals via eBay

This is getting REAL. we could have a baby in 4 weeks or as early as 2 weeks!

we still do not have a new baby carseat. The one with the carrier/bucket seat is expired because it is over 5 years old. {do you know carseats have expiration dates?}

I am thankful I won't be pregnant ALL summer long. It was cloudy yesterday so the forecasted 79F only felt low 70s. The time at the pool was perfect. Today.... different story. it's hot and humid and breezy. Hellooooo summer!

I love summer because I am a shorts, skirts, dress and sandal person. But I also love my AC.

Another note: it's been a battle asking Isabel to wear bike shorts underneath her dresses or skirts. She says "I am not a princess" when she wears her shorts. So today, after another tantrum, she said wanted pants (meaning tights) so even though it's 90 degrees, she endured the tights over her shorts.

How do you deal with your toddler girls who love to play rough and go up and down the slides and monkey bars? Do you ask/make them wear bloomers or bike shorts?

I hope everyone has a great Sunday! I am linking up with Finelinen&purple, WIWW, TuckerUP and DCinstyle.

Thank you for reading! I can be found on:


  1. YOu all look great! . . . My girls love dresses and skirts, and we have a leggings or shorts underneath rule too. They accept it for the most part (whew!), though a few times this year Girl 2 has insisted on tights even in hot weather.

  2. Anonymous6/07/2015

    My daughter loves skirts, but they all have the built in "shorts" underneath so we've not really had an issue. (She's 5, and I don't know how long the shorts-under-skirts thing will last in the clothing sizes) And if she does decide to wear a dress to play she's pretty self-consious of showing whats underneath so she usually pairs something else on her own.
    You look great! Almost there (I can't stand being pregnant in the summer either)
    Ruth Anne

  3. Anonymous6/09/2015

    You looke fabulous! I've loved watching your belly grow via the linkup. So exciting that you'll have a new little person in your arms soon! :)


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