
Denim + tunic + leggings {wiws, Sunday style}

I'm having a great weekend. My Saturday was spent with other Catholic women from all over Indiana at the catholic women conference. The speakers were amazing. Janet Sahm, native of Indianapolis and co-founder of verily mag was the first speaker. She shared her reversion story and how she responded (and is responding) to JPII's calling. Mrs. Julia Calandra Lindberg spoke about Padre Pio. Sister Caterina spoke about the Divine Mercy.

Some other important highlights include celebrating Holy Mass,praying the Divine Mercy chaplet and the rosary. We finished the conference with benediction. It was a beautiful day.

Our Sunday was spent catching on sleep (yes!) we all napped in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D and all of the 3 children at the same time. We were one tired family.

Chevron print tunic ~ nordstrom rack via hautelook // denim ~ old, old, Levi's. // leggings ~ vs pink // red suede wedges ~ aerosoles, so comfy. // new to me vintage Louis bucket tote Thanks, mom, for providing a new liner.

Mass behaviors:
Daniel - A
Isabel - A
Sebastian - A

See the correlation of naps and best behavior in church.

Hope y'all had a restful weekend, friends.

Linking with FineLinen&Purple and plane pretty.

Let's keep in touch:


  1. How neat that you got to hear Janet Sahm speak- sounds like it was a great conference!

  2. Ooh. A family nap does sound like a delightful idea.

    Those shoes look adorable with that outfit! I just got bright red ballet flats and have been experimenting with coordinating them with non-red outfits. I've had one hit and one miss so far. Any suggestions?


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