
All about residency

I'm 2 days late for medical Mondays... Oops sorry.
Thank goodness the linky is still open. Be sure to head over: your doctors wife.

2 link-ups in 1:
This is also my five faves: all about residency edition.

Friends you make during residency and med school are friends you keep for a lifetime.
These folks are your co-soldiers in the battle, deep down in the trenches. Sometimes, you don't have a choice. You see them 12 hours a day (28-30 hours) if you're both on call q4days. It's either you end up liking them, or hating them.

Opportunity to whine.
Thanks to residency, I can whine, complain, talk all about the horrible call and schedules and black weekends.
I try not to overdo it. Hubs just tune me out.

On call visitors
The sunshiny part of a gloomy, oh-so dark, up all night on call shifts. Before the intern work hours have changed, I was pregnant as an intern and worked q4days for 28-30 hours. Fast forward second year: with a newborn. Still on call q4-5days and still working from 7a to 1p (or 2 or 3p???) the next day. I'm so thankful for my husband who brought Lil D, then Isabel so I could kiss them and nurse.
Definitely one of my faves of residency.

Cute visitors who brought me non-hospital food.

Post call food coma and tradition
My usual post call food are:
Thai food
Chinese food
Indian food
See the trend? All loaded with carbs and protein..... That's super helpful to sleep off.
And I don't even get up for dinner.. I get up during dinner time to kiss my husband and play with the kids. But no need to eat as I've usually stuffed myself with above menu.

Post call tradition:
As if dealing with medical decisions for 30 hours is not enough, I watched grey's anatomy post call so I could cry and cry. Crying post call feels so good.
Must be the 'I'm so tired hormones' kicking in.

Thanks for stopping by!
Linking up with medical Mondays
And also my 5 faves with Hallie.


  1. So glad you linked up!! Can't wait to read more!

  2. What a great idea linking up with two blog hops with the same post. That's efficient. Thanks for linking up with Medical Mondays.

  3. That's sweet that your hubby brought the kids to visit you during your call shifts :) Did you have your first during PGY-1? I'm scared to death of having kiddos right before or during first year of residency but Stephen and I want them so badly....

  4. Oh wow, residency sounds like craziness! Thanks for sharing this "glimpse". :)


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