Lucy's birthday outfit
Peppa Pig Dress - made by her Tita Lady {she's so talented! and very patient}
Saltwater sandals
Bathing suit, Janie and Jack {see below}
For her birth story, head here.
For her first birthday, head here. Theme: watermelon party

My sweet Lucy turns TWO.
What I love about her ~
The way she calls me mummy... the way she calls her daddy...
Her voice
Her sweet smile {which is hard to get when she sees my phone cam or big cam or any cam}
She loves being photographed. She photobombs my outfit photos.
She watches Bones and JAG with me.
She loves her baby brother.
We share the same fave foods {panera fuji apple chicken salad, cream of chicken and wild rice soup and green smoothies}
She is not a picky eater. She will eat what we cook/make/order. She even tries the spicy foods I eat. She says "spicy, spicy" pointing and asking a bite from my plate.
She's so stinking cute!
The not-so-good things ~
She waits for me and Lucas. Meaning she stays up as late as 11p or even MN before going to bed.
She sleeps in until about 10a or so. {this can be good and bad... good because I can get the older kids breakfast. I can feed baby. It's also bad because then she naps late and then goes to bed late}
When she wants to be held, she wants to be held. She will cry and cry and cry.
She is a good toddler but even good toddlers have their moments/tantrums. It's understandable.

Peppa Pig Party details ~ party kit here
Cake - thank you kroger to the rescue. I claimed I was a baker before {college years} when it was fun and I did not have to make meals and feed a husband and 5 children. Then I became more of a cook. I enjoyed more cooking than baking. I wish I can do it all -- plan 5 parties a year and bake their cake etc etc. Sorry kiddos... I am less stressed when I delegate the cake decorating. This muddy puddle turned out super cute! Thank you cake lady. You got my vision {I did not even show her a pinterest photo}. I got Peppa pig and her fam online and added them.
Balloons - thanks, Lola! peppa pig balloons and regular light pink balloons. you can get a giant peppa here. party kit has the exact giant peppa that we have.
Centerpieces - miniature roses
more decorations - foil swirl decorations
Pinata - thanks, Lola! our was a hit {pun intended}. here's a pull string option.
Food - pizza, drinks {thanks Lolo and Lola}, fruit.
we had muddy puddles too but they did not photograph well. I used pudding {just buy the 4-pack}, added crumbled oreo cookies and one sour gummy worm.
Party Favors - books this one, this one, this one... thank you bags here.
Location - park with playground and splash pad.

Other details ~
It's hard to take videos and photos at the same time. The dilemma of a mom-blogger. I used my phone to record the birthday song. But that meant no big girl cam photos of Lucy blowing her candle. I am also not good at action shots yet... There's lots to learn.

Happy birthday, Lucy! Mummy loves you!
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Happy birthday, Lucy! Love you, your dress and your cake!