
seven quick takes

// silver d'orsay pumps below //

I am linking up with Kelly for seven quick takes.

1. recap of our week
Baseball is over. Lil D had his last game Monday.   They were down 0-9 but only lost 11-12. I am sad I was not there to cheer him on. The other three had swim lessons and we already missed one  class a week before because of baseball.

2. Lucy is getting more and more comfortable with the  water. She still won't float on her back or relax fully but at least she does not cry and fuss about getting in the pool. Baby steps... we are slowly getting there.

The other three are loving the water. Lucas wants to jump in the water with his sibs. We did not sign him up since a parent has to be in the water with the babies.

3. I wore this outfit for a photo shoot for work. My theories for getting selected:
- I am a female physician.
- I am Asian.
- I am short.
I have to represent the minority.

Black and blue are power colors. I love pink but I chose not to wear pink.  Instead I went with my second favorite color - Colts blue.

I did not wear these heels for the photo shoot! I went with my trusty Mary Jane clogs. They gave me height but they are more "believable" for a female physician. Although I have been known to  wear heels in clinic.

// pink bags FTW //

4. I was browsing and found that hanna andersson has a sale! These are my picks. Sale valid until 6/17. I wish my picks for the girls come in adult sizes. If you find a striped dress for grown-ups and/or that striped suit below for mommies, please let me know!

5. weekend plans!
Happy birthday to my MIL.
Is it just me or it's difficult to find gifts for parents?! I wish i don't default to gift cards but what could we give them that they don't already have? Most of the time, I end up giving personalized items, like wall calendar of their grandchildren's photos.
We are celebrating her today. It's quite a jampacked day. We have makeup swim lessons then lunch with my in-laws... then tonight is date night! I am excited. We are celebrating a friend's birthday.

6. My dad got jipped!
My dad's birthday is tomorrow and it's Father's Day.  Double celebration in one day.
Happy birthday, dad. We wish you're close so we can celebrate. Facetime with your apo's will have to do.

7. Currently watching~
Season 2 of Riverdale. Who is watching this show? My fave couple is Bughead. Betty + Jughead.
Other shows on my watch list include iZombieHow to get away with murder (season 3 and more), Reign, Poldark, Black Mirror.

// Affiliate links are used // If you are not a subscriber, please sign up here.  Linking up with Rosie, KellyMonica, LindseyAda and Brooke.

Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook  Bloglovin' Twitter  Instagram  Shop My Closet

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