Dress, zulily
Salvatore Ferragamo flats
Crossbody, Valentino
on Isabel, dress, gap
sandals, c/o Lolo and Lola
on Bastian, shirt, gap
Saltwater Sandals via eBay
on Daniel, shirt Janie and Jack
Shorts, Old Navy
flipflops, c/o Auntie Feli

Have you chosen a checkout line and then regretted it?
I had a crying baby in the cart who wanted to be held. I saw one customer in front me. I thought, no big deal. He had a lot in the check out lane but it's going to be ok.
oh boy, was I wrong.
I started unloading my items.
Mr. Target employee was scanning one item every 3-4 seconds.
He was nice. He was a people-person. But I did not need a people person that day, specially with a crying baby at Target.
By the time, I realized how slow (aka how talkative) he was, I already unloaded 2/3 of my items. He was still helping out the guy in front of me who probably only had 20 items total.
I tried not to get too annoyed. I took deep breaths and consoled and picked up the crying baby.
I thought about this: when the checkout person is rude, I take offense.
So now that a nice employee actually takes time to say hi and talk to the customers, I don't like it either?
we, human beings, are hard to please, aren't we?
He sped up a little bit towards the last 5 items because Lucy at that point was ready for her lunch and nap.
How about you? Do you like to chitchat with checkout people? Do you avoid eye contact so they don't talk with you? Do you scout the fastest checkout person and go to his/her lane?
Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook Bloglovin' Twitter Instagram Shop My Closet
Haha, I'm totally guilty of those same two ways of thinking! And I do have a pretty good track record of choosing the lane I think will be fast and ends up being slower. ;)
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I miss the talkative cashiers!! As a mom I love being able to breeze through a checkout lane when needed, but as a Midwesterner living in New England (WAY different culture) I now relish any time an employee looks me in the eye, smiles, or says ANYTHING really. It took living in New England for me to realize how incredibly Midwestern I am! It's the classic "appreciate it once it's gone" kinda thing.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I miss the talkative cashiers!! As a mom I love being able to breeze through a checkout lane when needed, but as a Midwesterner living in New England (WAY different culture) I now relish any time an employee looks me in the eye, smiles, or says ANYTHING really. It took living in New England for me to realize how incredibly Midwestern I am! It's the classic "appreciate it once it's gone" kinda thing.