Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
23 weeks
Best Moment this week?
The three-day weekend spent with my family. It was a great reward for submitting my research poster. Baked cookies with my little princess Saturday; enjoyed a race day/basketball day on Sunday; and of course grilling out with family on Memorial Day.
Best of all, I was on call this weekend and still able to go to a full Mass on Sunday without any distractions or pages from my beeper!
Prayer requests?
Healthy pregnancy
Keeping up with exercise and eating conscientiously
Baby's growth?
Baby D3 is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango)
Some nausea the later part of the week
More back pain usually when lying supine. Hence not getting a super restful sleep
Medical Stuff?
Thankfully healthy
Weight gain (or loss)?
+25 lbs
Weighed myself yesterday and it was +24, obviously fluctuating here
Zumba with wrist weights -3x
Gabby Reece pregnancy video - once
Smoothie with boba
Food Aversions?
Nothing really
What Made Me Cry this week?
The tornado disaster in OK
Kids hurt and lives lost (schools, homes)
I need tons!
Maternity Clothes?
Mix and match of maternity and nonmaternity
Ootd deets: maternity top from motherhood maternity, work pants from motherhood maternity, necklace from zulily
We don't know. It's a surprise
Feeling baby D3 move esp finally after a meal. He/she loves being fed
What I miss....
Nigiri sushi
What I'm looking forward to....
My birthday weekend!!!
About the rest of the family:

I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth. Ms. Isabel loves cookies too.
Linking up with Sarah and other growing bellies at my pregnancy journal.
Sarah, I somehow missed that you are pregnant! Congratulations!! You look amazing, and our babies will be just a few weeks apart =)