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romper, DCB, similar here
reef flip flops
Quay sunglasses
Swatch watch
1. Lots of people are hurting right now -- no homes because of flood damage, undocumented Houstonians not seeking help because of fear of getting deported, Floridians fleeing their homes. As I hug my babies, we are offering prayers for our fellow Americans.
2. How about this amazing physician? Appropriate for Women in Medicine month (which is Sept) and today (Thursday, 9/7) is women in medicine day.
Hubs said: Is there a day of "nothing to celebrate" day? Maybe! maybe not!
I agree with him that we are overdoing it with the days of celebration.

3. I finally gave in! After hearing from my sis rave about how awesome her Instant Pot is for MONTHS, I finally got one! I am all ears for your go-to instant pot recipes. Please send them my way.
~ easy recipes
~ idiot-proof recipes
~tasty, delicious and kid-friendly
I am excited to make beef stew, kahlua pig and pork/chicken adobo using it.
4. Nativity of our Lady
This is a big feast in my little town where I grew up. My town's namesake is the our Lady's birthday. Thanks to social media, I am able to follow along the celebration.
5. We have the busiest weekend coming up. oh the life of a big family. This is just the beginning!
our Saturday schedule looks like this:
soccer at 8a
make up ballet class at 11a
cub scouts volunteering at the beverage sale for French Marker 12-2p
soccer at 4p
hubs volunteering from 6-10p
If you live in Indy or around Indy area, come to the French Market and support our parish!
There will be escargot, moules (mussels), frites, crawfish etouffee, french dip roast beef, beef bourguingon, seafood bisque, ratatouille and lots more!
Sunday is not as crazy. But we do have a party, friends/fam get-together and hopefully a nap (I WISH!)
How do other families do it? Any suggestions? Do you crowd-source and ask grandparents or ask a baby-sitter to pick/drop off for games? Do you carpool with other moms???
Bastian had his first soccer game. It was very amusing and fun-to-watch. Why oh why are the 4-5 yo games at 8a???
6. I went to my first BUTI yoga class. disclaimer: if you search for videos, be forewarned. I almost cancelled my sign-up after seeing the videos... And I thought zumba can be scandalous. Buti yoga online videos I have seen were another level.
I tried it out because of the blend of yoga, cardio-intensive tribal dance and plyometrics. It was a good workout. The new song by Macklemore was in the play list and now I cannot get it out of my head! {uhm... you will see a firefighter in there... so again, warning!}
Since I have been practicing yoga almost everyday, I am actually looking for that breath-initiated movement and flow. I did not get that today (duh) because of the dancing and the plyometrics. It's a nice change of workout routine though.
And the movements were not as crazy as the online videos!

^ Isabel asked for a kissy picture.

7. Why is it that when you ask the kids to have their picture taken 9 out of 10 times, they would not oblige! Spot Lucy at the back, not wanting to join the fun.
When I want my photos taken just by myself, that's when they flock me. hashtag: neverfails!
children's outfit deets:
Girls dresses - Gymboree
Lucas' mocs - Freshly Picked, bought during their awesome sale
Tiny Boss onesie from -- you won't guess where: meijer!
camo pants, gift
Happy Friday Eve, friends!
thanks for reading!
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Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook Bloglovin' Twitter Instagram Shop My Closet

We divide and conquer when weekends get busy. My husband might take one child to a birthday party while I stay home with the others, I run errands with 2 kids while he stays home with the other 2. And we all obviously attend family functions. Although I would prefer to not split up and have ALL THE TOGETHERNESS on the weekends since we both work full time, for my family it's more important that we all get some down time at home. And I get stressed out when we have too much planned on the weekend so I try hard not to do that.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog - there's not many working moms of more than 3 kids and it's nice to know I am not alone. Your family is lovely!