It's day three of homeschooling.
What a contrast of last week and this week. I had long days as the neurology consult doc week ending Friday the 13th. This week, I am running the Delima academy. I am the headmistress of our "boarding school." At least I like to think I am the headmistress. Sounds British and foreign...
Fortunately, I have amazing colleagues that help each other. Nonurgent visits have been cancelled. Not all physicians need to show up for 1-2 patients. We consolidated by having a "clinic doctor" to cover the day. Therefore this week, I am able to focus on the children's schoolwork. I am not sure how long we will have e-learning/quaran-teaching so I am truly invested in my children's education. Everything is still up in the air. Will they lengthen the schoolyear till June? Will they just let us homeschool then test then see if they are ok moving to the next grade>
Today, as a physician, I answered patient messages. I also screened my next week's schedule and sent messages:
reschedule nonurgent
Having to juggle work and then homeschool was not easy. Understatement huh? All I did was send messages. I did not call patients. It was not doable in a crazy, chaotic, loud home.
I definitely feel for y'all who have to work full-time, attend virtual meetings and phone calls, care for children, teach them. I had several moments that I raised my voice and spoke in a non-loving way today. A couple of times, I went to the dining room (Derrick's makeshift office) to vent my frustrations.
I have been posting stories and videos of our homeschooling journey. I want to remember the gift of staying at home, pausing and being with the children. I share our schedule here not to make people feel unequipped because we have it altogether. It's the opposite! This schedule has been thrown off 30 mins to 1 hour and we have only been doing this x 3 days. I am also embarrassed to say that we have skipped exercise. The children went outside to play. I should just make that my yoga/stretching/barre/ANY movement is good time.
Let's end this blog post with a thankful list:
Colleagues who take initiative and plan the week.
Colleagues who cover for me so I can focus on the children's work.
Husband who helps out despite having to work from home.
Internet so we can facetime, zoom, skype, FB chat with family and friends.
Pens that made my lesson plan nice and pretty.
Doodling with Mo Willems. Now I can draw pigeons, Gerald's face and Piggie's face.
Lesson plans and worksheets from schoolteachers. I just implement what they already prepared.
Healthcare workers in the front lines
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