part 1 of the paddington bear birthday party series
Lucas' shirt c/o Tita Lady
shorts, exact one here
cake, thanks Kroger
fruit tray, my creation
paddington bear toys, c/o Auntie Feli
photo props, here
big unionjack flag, thanks hollowayfamilynorth
FP mocs, our present for the big boy!
photos taken by Tita Lady

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There are so many beautiful photos that my sister took that I decided to split Lucas' party post into a series. This is the first post! Stay tuned for the post featuring our guests... and another post featuring the pinata time.
Lucas had his well-child check last week. He is 20 lbs and 15 oz. He is still on the growth chart. I agree with our pediatrician that he will be the biggest Delima. He is not hovering just below the 3rd percentile. He is actually on the graph. hello big boy!
He loves to eat everything. He had his first taste of pure sugar when he had his cake. He was very sleepy since we did the pinata first before the cake. Spot the real tears because I placed him on the feeding table. He just wanted to cuddle with me and take a nap. (awwwwww) But once I gave him a few bites of the cake, he realized that it was indeed a treat, not a punishment.
Did y'all like the fruit tray that I made? I was going to make a fruit pizza but with everything we had to set up, I just decided on a fruit tray. It turned out pretty good. It was devoured by the guests.
We are so happy that our families were there to celebrate this sweet little boy.
Thank you all fr helping out. My dad bought drinks. My mom got fish and chips. We provided the chicken with orange marmalade marinade. My in-laws got the fruit and I arranged the fruit tray. My mom made the pinata and brought balloons. Our relatives brought turon to share. Auntie Feli sent us the decorations.

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