
asking my 2 year old for forgiveness

// recreate this look for $135 ~ affiliate links used //

outfit deets ~

dress, Old Navy from 2016, found several options here and here
Chanel flap bag, THIS ONE for fraction of the cost. how amazing!
Louboutin heels, this one for  less than $40
pearls, present from hubs, during babymoon for baby 2 {trip to French Lick IN}
but check this one out for only $16.... tempted to get it..

Lucy, my dear. Why did I raise my voice at you today?
I don't like it at all when I do that. All you wanted was something to drink. You asked me twice. I said hang on the first time. 10 minutes later I still haven't gotten up to get you your drink. You asked again. That's when I yelled.

I was busy answering patient messages and looking at the computer instead of tending to your needs. Those messages are either super easy to answer or since my RNs are pretty good at triaging -- it's like opening a can of worms because they are REAL problems.  Sometimes problems that I cannot fix with just a single "reply-button."

Sorry that I was not attentive. Sorry that I  raised my voice. Sorry, I was not a good momma today. Sorry that even on my clinic days-off, I am still a doctor.  I am still your mama and I want to give you my best. My best attention and my best attentive self.

When you are old enough to read this, you probably won't remember this day. I hope not. I hope you remember when I gave you cuddles and kisses.  I hope by juggling motherhood and medicine, I am being an example that you can have a family and follow your dreams to help other children who are not your own.

I am  blessed and so happy to call you mine.
I love you.

// Affiliate links are used // If you are not a subscriber, please sign up here.  Linking up with Rosie, KellyMonica, LindseyAda and Brooke.

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