
green + gold + pregnancy q&a

dress, via hautelook
Gucci emerald green padlock purse
Franco Sarto, wedges, my fave, these are old and high-heel height but so comfortable!
these are similar


 this bump is ridiculously pointy. 
I think I am carrying a boy. 

homestretch here... as per skin which is super stretched. I have been having pain on the left side of my umbilicus (belly button). My rectus abdominus is getting stretched! I sneeze, bend or cough and it hurts in the same spot.  owwww.

How about updates using pregnancy question tags all over the internet:
1. How many months are you?   8  mos baby. almost there. to be precise 36 weeks + 4 days.
2. Family’s Reaction?        insert this emoji.
3. Do you know the sex?   No, it's a surprise.
4. What did you want?     this baby
5. Do you want more?     we take it one baby at a time... maybe... maybe not.
6. Biggest craving?     Panera Fuji apple chicken salad, no tomatoes
7. Best part of being pregnant?   feeling the baby move
8. Worst part of being pregnant?  first trimester this time around was horrible.
9. Names picked out?     Yes
10. Who will be with you during labor?    Hubs
padlock bags

from affordable >> stylish but won't break the bank >> investment bag


11. Birth plan?    just like with my other 4, if all goes well, I am stable and baby is stable, I will do most of my labor at home. Then head to hospital to deliver.
12. Will you film it?    I wish my sister is here to take birth photos. Probably not film it since I need my hubs as labor support. Unmedicated birth is h-a-r-d.
13. Natural or Medicated?   natural... but tempted to do an experiment and ask for that epidural.
14. Scared about labor?    yes. memories come back like a flash flood. ptsd anyone?
15. What do you look forward to after pregnancy?   smelling that newborn scent and cuddling with him/her.
16. Breastfeed?    yes.
17. Plan to work or be a stay at home mom?   I am going back to work. loans to pay. mortgage to pay...


affiliate links are used. Linking up with RosieSarahDorandaLeanneElena Jaymie,  Sydney, Ada, Brooke.

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