Our Sunday's Best with Mass online
The girls loved matching.
I loved my 4 inch stilletos. I made it for the entire hour.
The girls loved matching.
I loved my 4 inch stilletos. I made it for the entire hour.
matching floral dresses, thanks to Old Navy
super high heeled red soles, Christian Louboutin
Ruby Woo lipstick
open cardigan, gap, old
Old Navy is killing it with their spring dresses
It breaks my heart that a lot of people are suffering.
Unemployment (servers, sales associates, hairdressers, flight attendants, travel agents, actors, entertainment park employees etc)
Social Isolation
Closed businesses (restaurants, stores)
Missed graduation ceremonies, parties, reunions
Our white board family calendar is empty. Gone were the days of extracurricular activities, scouts, baseball, soccer, trips, appointments, playdates, dinners out, movies.
It is a time to slow down and be present. Be present for the people that are most important to me.
Days are long during these uncertain times. But what will I remember 3-, or 5- or 10 years from now? Will we ever be given these slow days at home? It's a balancing act teaching and working from home. I may not understand everything fully. But I do cherish that I can be home MORE with these little ones.
Nash is turning a year old in the summer. Who would have thought that I am given a chance to work from home? I admit I did not like the change. I go to work to leave the chaos of home. After the anger and depression of it all, I came to accept the good things out of this scenario.
- In between patients mean free hugs from my children
- Or it could be bring your child to work day. I already anticipate some barging in to join the video calls.
- I get to have lunch with my spouse
- I still have a job. I can still help the children of Indiana.
- Teaching my children lifeskills. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, taking care of their younger sibs.
- Teaching them about the world, something bigger than themselves. The country of abundance is not immune to sacrifices and hard work.
- Time. Suddenly we have all the time to focus on the important things: faith and prayer, family, friends and phone calls (not just texting or social media).
Here are the frivolous things that will make this new normal manageable:
- I can wear my ultrahigh heels because dressing up is a way of therapy for me.
- But... I can also stay on my comfy joggers as long as I am presentable waist up (right?!)
- I can use all my pens and markers for school.
- I can sharpen all the #2 pencils we have at home. I like sharp pencils!
- I can doodle and make my lesson plans pretty. I like checking things off my list.
Can we all just agree that life sucks right now? Let's just get it over with, right?
Be angry with it all.
Then accept it. Accept the slowing down of life.
For all my friends suffering right now, emotionally, financially, physically - you are all in my prayers.
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Love that dress.