Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
All done with 36 weeks! We are officially full term tomorrow!
Best Moment this week?
My day out with hubs.
Prayer requests?
Healthy pregnancy and safe delivery
What scripture is speaking to you this week?
" Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough."
Luke 13:24
Our journey is difficult but Christ gives us all the grace we need to enter through the narrow gate. We just have to accept his grace and his help. The cross is the way. Jesus is the way to heaven. Salvation is not a passive thing that happens to us. We have to do our part. {paraphrasing from Fr. Roberts' Sunday message}
Baby's growth?
Baby D3 now weighs almost 6 pounds (maybe even more! because he/she measured 5 lbs 13 oz a week ago) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long
Hips and back are hurting more. Joints and ligaments are loosening and preparing for the delivery.
Medical Stuff?
Blood pressure remains stable. Baby D3 has a strong heart rate.
Weight gain (or loss)?
+2 lbs from last week! Total of 37 lbs weight gain.
We ate out a lot this weekend. Excessive Salt and sodium in my food and of course, baby D3 is gaining an ounce a day!
-Walked a lot downtown this weekend.
-Parking far at school drop off and at work to get a mile or two of walking per day.
Cravings? Food Aversions?
-I love dark chocolate but nowadays after a bite or so, I'm just done with it.
-I still don't like red meat that much.
What Made Me Cry This Week?
I was reviewing the stages of labor... I cried when I was reading the transition stage (painful contractions close together, about a min apart) and the delivery. Reading the second stage blow-by-blow, step-by-step reminded me of my previous deliveries. Pushing, baby's descent, first glimpse of the baby, and so on.
Call it fear because I remembered my previous deliveries.
Add pregnancy hormones and voila! I cried.
I need and crave tons of it. I wake up at least 1-2x to empty my bladder.
Maternity Clothes?
Gap maternity tanks - perfect for the summer weekends.
Black is slimming, don't you think?
We don't know!
Baby D3 loves to move especially after I've started eating. He/she thanks me for loading my bloodstream with glucose. I also see a lot of belly movements while seeing patients. I wonder if my patients notice my belly.
What I'm looking forward to....
Baby D3's arrival!!!
Labor Signs?
First episode of Braxton hicks last Thursday {4 days ago}.
About the rest of the family...
Kids are excited. My mom's excited. She already ordered her third carseat for her grandma mobile.
Linking up: babies and beyond at proverbs and pacifiers and beauty in the mess.
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