Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
Done with 35 weeks... Which means we are having a baby in 4 weeks or less!
Best Moment this week?
Another ultrasound this morning. Check out baby's side profile.

Prayer requests?
Healthy rest of pregnancy
Healthy delivery
What scripture is speaking to you this week?
Psalm 62:5-8
Baby's growth?
Baby D3 is over 18 inches long and weighs about 5 lbs and 13 oz per ultrasound.
Weight is 55th percentile.
Estimating 1/2 a lb of weight gain for Baby D3 per week, we are gonna have a 7 lb 13 oz baby if I make it to my due date.
Constipation, reflux
Medical Stuff?
--- Fluid around baby is within normal limits. I measured 32.5 cm fundal height but seeing the ultrasound, I am carrying an AGA {appropriate for gestational age} baby.
--- baby D3 is head down with spine on my left upper quadrant. I feel a lot of movement on my right side that's because the hands and legs are there. I knew it! He/she has not turned faced down yet. Not quite facing up but a little rotated to the side.
Weight gain (or loss)?
+35 lbs
I finished the rest of the pint of gelato in one sitting. Scared me enough that I worked out using my soft weighted ball. Heart rate goes up right away!
I am parking about 2 blocks away from clinic. I like the walk because it's the summer.
Cravings? Food Aversions?
Fruit, carbs and sweets are my faves.
What Made Me Cry This Week?
I am truly hormonal.
--- I almost cried dropping off Daniel in school on his first day of transitional kindergarten.
--- Seeing Isabel hurt or crying also breaks my heart.
I love it!
Maternity Clothes?
I love the challenge of mixing and matching my maternity outfits.
Boy or girl? We don't know.
I love watching my belly move. I show the kids and they are just mesmerized.
What I miss....
Nigiri.... Counting down the days!
What I'm looking forward to....
This last month of pregnancy is going to fly by so fast, I just know it.
Labor Signs?
Keeping up with hydration to avoid any painful Braxton hicks contractions.
About the rest of the family...

We spent the day at the park at the annual summer picnic hosted by Derrick's work.
Linking up: babies and beyond at proverbs and pacifiers and beauty in the mess.
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