1. Call night
I had the best call night ever last Monday. No beeper noise after 9p. Yet it was a tiring night! I Had a post call headache the next day that required Tylenol.
Reason: my daughter. She tossed and turned all. Night. Long. I could not sneak out of her room. So yeah, I spent the night in her room,sharing her twin bed. It was not my pager that woke her up -- because it was a quiet pager that night.
2. Old friends.
Don't you just love catching up with old friends?
Those long conversations on the phone?
I should do it more often. It definitely relieves stress....
3. Recipes I wanna try:
Two posts this week that captured my attention. I'd want to try this chicken cordon bleu nugget recipe from sixSistersStuff. I have picky eaters here at home and I think this will be a winner. Daniel loves chicken nuggets, cheese and ham! So why not mix them all together?!
Martha also posted this recipe -- nom, nom. I love easy-to-folow recipes. I think this is going to be full of flavor and I cannot wait to try it. It won't be a hit for my picky eaters but the grown ups in the D household will surely love the shrimp!
4.mama list
Daniel is starting preK at our parish school. Mornings are stressful --- mostly for me because I tend to push it to the limit... I am an alarm snoozer and squeeze as much sleep as I can to the last possible minute. But end product usually is rushing in the shower, rushing to get my breakfast and lunch ready and so on and so forth.
I don't want to be as stressed anymore. I'd be the primary driver for my son as my hubs take Isabel to the east side. I've been lucky that Derrick drops off the kids so I can go to clinic or the hospital on time for the past 4 years.
I Found this list from thepleatedpoppy blog.
I think it will help me a lot. I like planning and organization. I lay out all my work clothes and accessories the night before. When I'm pumping/nursing, I place all my pump accessories and new bottles in my pump bag before i go to bed. I usually pack our lunches the night before and arrange all necessary breakfast items. Still I just can't make my coffee the night before!
My next to-do is search for healthy preschooler snacks and lunches. Any suggestions? I've got a very, very picky eater.
5. State Fair
Derrick and I started going to the state fair the first year we started dating. It has become a tradition! We only missed one year -- in 2009 when Daniel was only 3-5 weeks old. I did not want to bring my newborn to a crowd-filled state fair! I was a new parent who was scared of everything... Pretty much. We used to go once...then some years, we have gone about two-three times.
We love fair food! I don't eat it everyday so i splurge. I pay for it afterwards because of the all the grease and fat. Haha... The corn in the cob, the milkshake from the milk barn, the pineapple smoothie, the elephant ears... O so yummy!
Kids love seeing the animals -- the biggest boar in the swine barn, the cute rabbits, different breeds of chickens, sheeps and horses. Daniel loves the tractors. He basically rides every single one! There's also free concerts and activities.
We are definitely excited! The state fair opened today and we are gonna go! Soon!
6.Medical Mondays
I love link ups. I found great blogs because I've "linked up". Medical Mondays is celebrating its 1 year anniversary! Join us on Monday August 5th if you're in the medical field, married to somebody tied to a pager, med student, premed student etc!
I'm gonna work on something about residency and breast feeding/pumping {yes, both can be done!!!} so come back next week.
7. Picture I am sharing

Isn't this just so, so precious? My good friend Sister Solanus Casey is visiting home for two weeks. She's Daniel's godmother. She's one of my oldest friends here in the US... Have known her since she was a junior in HS and I was a freshman at IUPUI.
She showed her crucifix to Isabel and said: this is Jesus. Do you want to give him a kiss? My little girl did not hesitate... Oh. So. Precious.
...Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14
Yay for quiet pagers although I guess it wasn't a particularly restful night anyways. :P That shrimp recipe looks delicious! Hope you get a chance to visit the fair this weekend!
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