11 random things about me:
{as contributed by my husband}
1. I like big families even though I only have one sibling.
2. I love
wine and canvas.
3. I get bored easily with things. But does not get bored with Derrick (then he asked:
is that true, hunny?)
4. I went from shopping in stores to shopping online because I am tired of the crowds.
5. My
twitter profile says: My housewifing skills are average so I work outside of home to compensate.
6. My idea of camping (or roughing it) is renting a cottage with AC. We can call it glamming... Or is it glamping?
7. I am good at keeping my family on schedule. I am a walking daily planner/organizer (says my husband!)
8. I am a colts fan... but as a neurologist, I won't let my children or my patients play football. Flag football is fine. But skip tackle... I just wish the NFL won't allow such hard hits anymore :(
9.I have crazy amounts of photos and greeting cards decorating my office.
10. I love lilies, peonies and tulips.
11. My weakness: designer purses! my favorites: Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Dooney and Burke and KSNY.
And to answer
Lura's questions:
1. your guilty pleasure TV show?
a lot.
Grey's Anatomy, House, Bones,
I borrow DVDs from the library and can watch an entire season in a week (!) yikes.
2. favorite blog to read? what about it inspires you?
I love
Jennifer's blog. She is sooooo smart! She knows computer programming, writes like a theologian and apologist, and has 6 kids!
I love
Erika's blog. She is a new mom and new doctor with amazing personal style.
And I have a lot more. See my right hand side feed!
3. what is your morning routine?
Feed the baby before getting up
Pray, listen to
daily Readings
go downstairs, turn on Keurig, wash my face, brush my teeth and place lunch/snacks in my workbag
place moisturizer on my face as I head back up stairs
Lotion again, change clothes
head downstairs, brew coffee, powder my face
head out the door.
insert comfort crying baby or feed hungry toddler/preschooler somewhere in there if the children are awake. Usually they are still sleeping when my husband takes them to my in-laws.
My goal once the baby is weaned is to change feeding the baby to getting up and working out!
Right now, I am working out at night...
So as much as I love my sleep, I will do my best to get up in the morning to do 20-30 minutes of exercise.
on my days off:
I get up and get the children ready first upstairs
Then I get ready
then we all head downstairs for breakfast
4. what are two things from your bucket list?
Go to all 50 states
Go to Australia
5. best birthday you've had?
When I was 7. I had 7 birthday cakes!
A 7 year old's dream come true.
6. what outfit/clothing do you feel your best in?
7. cats or dogs? why?
Dogs because they're cute.
8. would you rather be indoors or outdoors?
I do not like bugs and dirt.
9. boxers or briefs? just kidding. to you, what's the most attractive trait in the opposite sex?
Uhm.. let's just say if he stinks, forget it.
So I guess, I like smelly good men.
And I like dark haired men -- dark hair and blue eyes (superman!)
10. what's your purpose in blogging? what do you want to add to the world-wide-web?
I blog as a day journal.
I write my experiences and memories from med school or residency.
To show off my children.
Capture my closet ensemble. See what truly works or not...
I add a little controversial post every now and then
11. when you spend time with friends, what is your favorite thing to do?
Talk.. talk... talk...
and eat. ;)
Thank you
Lura for tagging me. So sweet of you!
This is what I wore Independence Day.
Red: skirt from A&F, boots from zulily
White: old tee from Banana republic
Blue: guess what. I am actually wearing shorts under these skimpy shorts. So I guess you could say, I am wearing a skort?
Also linking up with
DC in style,
the pleated poppy and TuckerUp.
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