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And then there were three
click on the pictures to enlarge
2 weeks left and counting
I am still inside my mummy. She is 38 weeks + 2 days today. I am due to be born on July 28th. But I like surprises and I can come anytime now. The last time mum went to her doctor, she was not even close to delivering me. She is going back to see the doctor today.
I keep reminding my mum (by kicking her and moving her belly) that she needs to s--l---ooo----www down. She is trying to be Wonderwoman or something. I am proud of her though. She still works out, lifts 2 lbs of weights, squats, bridges, tries to walk around the block s---u----p-----e---r slow. But her hips are her main aches. They are expanding in preparation for my delivery. She cannot tolerate long periods of time in one position -- whether it is sitting, standing, lying down. Her hips love the exercise ball though. She watered her colorful flowers yesterday and she was aching after the chore. Thanks to Papi: he saw her struggling with the hose and he came out and helped her finish the watering.
Mum is still working until I decide to come out. Her last day of work is on July 26th. She works half the time at home and half the time at the Neuro clinic doing her research. She ran errands today besides reading a few articles. One stop was the Trojan Tots Preschool and Child Care Ministry at Bishop Chatard Highschool next to our Church (Christ the King). I have a spot there already when mum goes back to work.
Things I love: exercising my legs! I love to kick, punch and make funny shapes on my mummy's belly. I can make her belly look like a football if I want to. Most of the time, her belly looks like a basketball though.
My most active time: I am awake around 5p-8p dinner time! I also know when she is retiring for the day. That's when I make her belly bounce!
Hoping to see the world soon!
lots of love,
Belly Week 37
FOR TODAY (July 9th, 2009)
Bible verse for the day... And Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." Luke 1:38
Outside My Window... my annual flowers that I planted just 2 weeks ago are thriving!
I am thinking. . . of how long I have before Daniel decides to come out. I have irregular cramping/belly discomfort and tightening. Braxton Hicks?
I am thankful for. . . my labor support partner. I am not alone.
From the kitchen. . . spicy braised beef. Crock pot recipes are awesome! My husband's belly is satisfied!
I am wearing. . . my blue VS nightgown.
I am going. . . to (try to) sleep soon.
I am reading. . . Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God by Scott Hahn.
I am hoping. . . to have a restful sleep tonight w/ less awakenings. I get up every 2-3 hours now to use the bathroom and also to move around. There's no comfy spot anymore. It also takes me 20-30 minutes before I go back to sleep. I stayed up for an hour last night, read and ate actually because I could not go back to sleep.
I am hearing. . . the soft hum of the AC. It's quiet in the house. My hubby is studying.
Around the house. . . the pack and play is all assembled (thanks to Heather's help!); the stroller is ready; the car seat and base are in Derrick's car; my hospital bag is packed.
One of my favorite things. . . laying out. I bust out my preggy belly before the stretch marks appear.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . .
- I am still working. I have peds continuity clinic tomorrow and I am working at the Neuro office for my research.
- Decorate the nursery (I have the baby's initials: DD like his papi, a lion --> Lion of Judah!)
- Hang a few pictures and Daniel's quilt.
- Go to the pool. Swim this Sat?
This is Belly Week #... 37. Daniel is full term!
Weight gain to date: 35 lbs. Baby's weight: 5 lbs 11 oz, 25th percentile
Femur length: 7 cm
Here is a picture thought I am sharing. . .
The cutest baby on the block (before Daniel is born). His initials are DD.
Married for 1000 days
I am so blessed to have him. I love him more and more each day.
Here are some pictures throughout the 1000 days.