Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
10 weeks as of 2/19
Best Moment this week?
Seeing my kids after being gone for a week!
Oh sweet reunion.
Prayer requests?
Healthy pregnancy
Baby's growth?
Size of a kumquat. If you {like me} are not familiar with this fruit: here's a couple of Picts.

Read about the here
So baby is just over an inch long. Cool.
Metallic taste after drinking my favorite beverage: water.....
Which is a dilemma. I haven't been drinking much so I'm a little lightheaded or orthostatic when I get up... Not good.
Medical Stuff?
Praise God.
Weight gain (or loss)?
Food Aversions?
Anything too strong smelling
Love it. Need it.
Maternity Clothes?
My regular pants getting a Lil snug.
Don't know yet
None yet
What I miss....
What I'm looking forward to....
Feeling the baby move.
Thoughts from the family....
We finally told them weekend of 2/22-23.
My father in law was speechless.
My mom exclaimed: is this an old ultrasound? {denial}
Then: "oh. Ill have to get a third carseat.. And it won't fit in my car!"
Something I'm Excited About....
My babies seeing the growing belly.
Pregnancy related books you are reading....
Prayerfully expecting

Linking up with Sarah @ My Joy-Filled life
Check out growing bellies!
I love the silhouette!! Beautiful.