Dress, shopbop
Reef, ginger flipflops
earrings, Nickel and Suede
Floral dresses from shopbop

love the print of this dress (got it on sale!)
then the rose gold watch and bracelet set is a good accessory.
Hubs took over 30 photos of our attempt at showcasing 5 babies this Mother's Day. The middle 2 (not called younger two anymore!) did not cooperate. Surprised? never.
On other updates:
--- recovery is different this time. I am anemic to begin with. I was not tolerating my Prenatal vitamins nor the Iron supplements prescribed around 2nd trimester. So with some blood loss during delivery, my Hgb is even lower. I cannot stand for long periods of time because I get lightheaded and dizzy. Orthostatic blood pressure was done while at the hospital and as I have expected my BP went down from sitting to standing.
--- I got dressed for pictures. I felt fine most of the day and thought I could be dropped off alone for Sunday afternoon Mass. But then, I started feeling dizzy again -- thank you sleep deprivation and anemia.
scroll or click link below.....

Prayer requests:
Please pray for my grandma. She fell and broke her Right hip (head of the right femur). As I am typing this, she's at the operating room for a total right hip replacement. {edit: surgery cancelled for now since grandma's platelets dropped. Heart echo done and report pending}
Please also pray for my BIL who is admitted for cardiac stuff... and my friend Sylvia's daughter, Regina, who is recovering from open heart surgery.
To end this post on a happy note.
Baby Lucas is doing well. He's a happy feeder. The children (specially Lucy) are all adjusting but loving on him.
more floral dresses for under $50

affiliate links are used. Linking up with Rosie, Sarah, Doranda, Leanne, Elena, Jaymie, Sydney, Ada, Brooke.
Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook Bloglovin' Twitter Instagram Shop My Closet
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