As best as it can be for a mom of 5. We are trying to get into a routine. But this routine will change once the children are back in school. Mornings are usually the most stressful. Kids are staying at home right now while I am at work but that will change once hubs drops them off before going to work... and when I have to drop the older 3 to school.
I like my job. I like seeing patients. I am thankful I have a supportive staff and amazing colleagues. It makes missing the babies worth it.
I also like it that I am home part of the time. I get to be a doctor some days of the week. Then some days, I am home changing diapers, sweeping the floor, feeding hungry children, clothing and chasing children who don't want to be clothed.
2. Lucas is not loving the bottle. He made it to 9 hours of crying until he gave in and took 5 oz. The successful person who gave him the bottle was ---------> ate Isabel. She felt so empowered and happy that she was a big helper!

3. Boy scouts camp ~ my eldest enjoyed his week at BSA camp. He hit a bullseye during archery and the BB gun station. They created a toolbox, made candles, cooked pigs in a blanket. They kayaked. They also swam everyday.

4. Superhero kids ~ My children found these videos on youtube. Any moms out there with children watching this "series?" The father is certainly reliving his childhood days when taping these episodes. There was one episode, they used a glass filled with kool-aid as target practice. They also threw fresh eggs at one another. I had to tell my children: we don't do this at home. Eggs are to be eaten/cooked, not thrown at each other.
5. Finally a package came from the Nsale filled with things I am keeping. I got this LUSH basic tee in three colors. I already wore the navy blue top. I am keeping this roll tab woven shirt in baby blue. I got the plain white and mauve top of this criss cross front knit.
The anniversary sale starts today for the public (noncard holders). Have you found anything good? any keepers?
I wish I am on the lookout for booties -- because these are sooooo cute.
I did not know I could turn down ripped skinnies -- but I am doing my best not to get another pair.
How about ripped leggings??? yay or nay?
6. Prayer request ~ I know this will take time... but we are back to typing our notes at work. I used to not enjoy dictating. But I got so fast at it and I felt more comfortable. But the vendor used to transcribe our notes is out of commission. I cannot believe I actually miss dictating. I can dictate a return note in 5-7 minutes. Sadly, I am not that efficient typing my notes. there's just lots of clicks... I find that those boxes that physicians are supposed to click to make things faster are not that helpful. Some are... like in review of systems. But for the Physical exam, I find that if I could just have a template then I am better off using that.
The life of a doctor. I'd rather spend my time looking and taking care of the patient... but more and more the things we do supposedly to help clinic tasks move smoother can/may impede on patient care. I just have to get over it and bring my laptop to the clinic rooms.... what do you all think when your doctor has the laptop in front him/her? Would you rather he types while you are talking to him or take notes? I am a note-taker when taking history.
7. I have a nice collab I am sharing soon.. here's the preview... If you haven't seen that pop-up yet, I was playing around online one evening after the children have gone to bed. I created a newsletter for my blog posts. please sign up and subscribe! you won't ever miss a post. It will come straight to your inbox!

If you are not a subscriber, please sign up here. affiliate links are used. thanks for your support! Linking up with Kelly.
Thank you for reading!
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All of us are glad you love being a doctor - especially Claire. :) I find it so unusual when a doctor doesn't have a laptop in the exam room anymore - I could never remember all that detail well enough to dictate it later.