
happy birthday, dear husband.... it's a week late, so don't get mad

Five faves - husband edition

1. Red wine

If it's merlot, then Derrick is sold. He was not a wine drinker till we honeymooned in Paris and all we drank was red wine.

If it's from Italy or the napa valley, then he's all over it. No discrimination.

2. steaks

I am talking about melt-in-your-mouth filet mignon. Hubs like steak. We want to decrease our red meat intake but I just cannot stop him from giving it up. you bet we went to a steak place for his birthday.

I have my iron for the rest of the month.

3. hair gel
he loves this Crew hair pomade. If you've seen him, he is known for his hair shelf. He says he wants it off of his face/forehead.

4. barbasol

just the name sounds so... masculine, don't you think?

5. Acer

this is his laptop and other baby. He needs a replacement because it is super slow now. But he loves this thing. It's light and he brings it to trips or sometimes at my mom's house when we hang out there for the day.

How about you? What are your husband's/significant other's faves?

And because my post revolves around my OOTD, here's what I wore to our fancy dinner.

Dress ~ thrifted // necklace ~ igshop // nude pumps ~ naturalizer // purse ~ Louis // Bracelet ~ gift

Linking up with Heather.

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pearls + lilac + Louis {wiws}

Happy Sunday!

This weekend has been a confusing time for the sun here in Indy -- am I suppose to shine, or hide behind the clouds? or just disappear because a thunderstorm is coming?

I mentally prepared myself for a jog yesterday morning. I watched the forecast Friday morning before I went to work. It was forecasted to rain later in the day so I thought Saturday morning would have been perfect for a jog. Instead I was woken up by thunder yesterday morning...

And errands took over our day, next thing I realized it's already 8:45pm and I am nursing Sebastian.

I am hoping today will be a better day. The sun is still confused. I just need to get my body moving. I stepped on the scale and (insert emoji of the monkey covering his/her eyes) I am officially overweight per my BMI.

That depresses me a lot.

So I brought out the pearls.

I brought Louis to church.

New top from anthropologie ~ on clearance! // skirt ~ F21 // espadrilles ~ coconuts // pearls ~ Kaitlin's igshop // purse ~ Louis

Linking up here, here and here.

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Green + white with pearls

I am alive and well. Blogging and instagramming are semi-forgotten. But taking pictures of my outfits -- never!

Posting my Sunday outfit 2 days late. But who's counting?

I've been busy strengthening my fingers as I re-acquaint myself with my piano. I have a goal/deadline. I'm committed. {I will share more about that later}

For a stressful day today, I'm glad I played for a few minutes and practiced my scales... And played a little Bach.

And now for the awkward poses:

Pearls ~ from my grandma.
Top ~ loft, thrifted
Skirt ~ loft, old
Pumps ~ naturalizer

Linking up with
Pleated poppy, tucker up and dc in style.

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  • 7.20.2014

    Go Go Samurai {7qt}

    There's a reason for blog-silence this week. I have been busy preparing for this big 5th birthday party for my firstborn. I cannot believe Daniel is FIVE years old.

    1. Call us crazy. we color-coordinated our outfits. All five Samurai Power Rangers made it to the party. {We missed Nathaniel, who is the gold ranger}

    2. Thank you, dear husband, for helping me finish the cake pops. I made enough for the children and adults which meant rolling cake pops and dipping them late Friday night and early Saturday morning. I could not have finished them without Derrick's help.

    I should have just made cupcakes, he said.
    (well, I made those too, besides the cake pops)

    3. Isn't my mom just the best? I delegated the balloons. I found this idea on pinterest ~~ samurai symbols on the balloons.

    4. But she did not stop there. She also made this pinata. It was a "hit" for the children -- surprise, surprise. It was very durable that one of the dads had to whack it hard. It did not break. The tie broke off and the pinata fell to the ground -- then mauled by 5 year old boys.... and girls.

    5. We have to serve fruit because samurais eat a well-balanced diet, not just pops. I asked for chopped fruit (got it, chopped??? samurai?) never mind!
    And this is what I get!

    6. The party favors were not samurai themed. I was not going to hand out give-aways because my mom already had the pinata. But when I was at Michael's, I saw these sidewalk chalks and I could not resist! I found stickers and shared those too.

    7. And this is the birthday boy!
    Happy fifth birthday to my creative, resourceful, inquisitive, fun-loving boy.

    your mummy

    Linking up with **Svellerella {just so the internet world knows I am still alive and blogging}

    **Forgot to link this with Jen's QT, so I am linking it up with Carolyn a week later...

    Keep in touch


    yellow + Kate's nude pumps {wiws}

    "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing
    compared with the glory to be revealed for us. "
    ~Today's readings

    I need this Scripture today and this coming week.

    I also need the grace of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to get me through.

    Dress ~ VS Moda International, thrifted // necklace ~ esty shop //earrings ~ zulily // bracelets ~ Michael's // Kate Middleton's nude pumps ~ naturalizer

    1. How did you get your name?My mom watched this show in the 70s. She liked this goddess a lot that she promised to name her first girl after Isis.

    Sarah means Princess. She put Sarah and Isis together and named me: Princess Isis... I mean Princess Supreme Goddess... no, I meant: Sarah Isis.

    My middle name is my maiden name.

    2. Do you have a set time for prayer in your day?
    Mornings are the best time for me for prayer. As soon as I wake up, before I even get out of bed.
    Sometimes, I listen to Today's readings while fixing my hair or putting powder on my face.
    Otherwise, I say quick prayers throughout the day.
    I also pray in the car with my children when I drop them off to school or when running errands.

    3. Did your mom work or stay home (or both)?
    My mom worked (and still works) outside of home. I am fortunate though that she now takes a weekday to watch my children while I work outside of home.

    4. Do you vote?

    5. What's your favorite drink?
    Besides water ~
    coffee - white chocolate mocha or salted caramel mocha. new fave (thanks to my Sis-in-law) is mix any keurig regular coffee and add swiss miss dark cocoa sensation (this one is for you, Grace!)
    non-alcoholic drink - lemonade
    alcoholic drink - moscato, riesling, sangria

    6. How are your photography skills?
    basic photography 101
    and that includes crash course from my sister

    zulily for Bastian, zulily and the Gap for Daniel
    Isabel ~ ig shop, pillowcase dress; sandals via eBay

    Linking up with Finelinen&Purple, Catholic All Year, WOFTW.

    Keep in touch


    Babies, nfp and saving lives {7qt}

    1. My Sebastian is 10 months old!
    He is not crawling yet. He gets places by scooting. I thought he will be pulling up to stand now. But he's such a content baby. Just chilling on the floor and waiting to be picked up or pulled up to stand.

    He forgot his signs. He was doing so well until he got an ear infection. His way of communication was replaced by fussiness and crying. I am hoping he will use his 'milk' and 'more' signs more consistently.

    2. I'm going cake pop crazy. What did I get myself into? I am no baker! I'd rather cook up a storm than bake a wedding cake.

    The things we do for our kids, huh! I promised Daniel cake pops for his party. I sure will deliver!

    3. Nfp
    I Saw this on the nfp Indy website.

    We sure don't look like this when interpreting our charts.

    More like this. With a baby!


    Nfp is hard for breastfeeding moms. I don't even know how to make sense of my temps and my symptoms (!)

    Hence researching the nfp Indy website and looking for refresher courses. I found out there's a postpartum class offered too. I am signing up for that one!

    4. Save lives
    Have you taken a CPR class?
    I encourage you to do so.

    I do not need to keep up with my pediatric advanced life support (PALS). Basic life support (BLS) for health care providers would be sufficient for me. I do not work at the ER or ICU.

    High quality CPR, which is taught in BLS, is what saves lives. Out in the field, the park, pool, grocery store, airplane.

    Recertifying was for my own knowledge. It's nice to keep updated with PALS.

    5. Babe born with HIV
    NPR did a segment on the babe that was thought to be 'cured' after receiving antiretrovirals right after birth. The virus was undetected for quite sometime. The treating physicians, however, remained skeptical. They tested her routinely. Until recently, lab results showed positive viral titers.

    One more thing about this story, the babe was lost to follow up for about 6 months. She was not getting her meds those 6 months.

    Cases like that of "lost to follow-up" or noncompliance sadden me.

    6. Baby jogger craze
    A couple of weeks ago, I found a double jogger on craigslist. I was looking for a Phil and Teds, similar to Grace's.
    But There were several double joggers though.

    The older children like our new-to-us jogger. The weather here in Indy has been pleasant that we are able to jog on the evenings.

    7. Picture I'm sharing

    Daniel always finds the biggest twigs or branches in our backyard and brandishes them as if they're swords.

    Linking up a day late with Jen @ ConversionDiary.

    Let's keep in touch:


    a liebster + an outfit

    11 random things about me:

    {as contributed by my husband}

    1. I like big families even though I only have one sibling.

    2. I love wine and canvas.

    3. I get bored easily with things. But does not get bored with Derrick (then he asked: is that true, hunny?)

    4. I went from shopping in stores to shopping online because I am tired of the crowds.

    5. My twitter profile says: My housewifing skills are average so I work outside of home to compensate.

    6. My idea of camping (or roughing it) is renting a cottage with AC. We can call it glamming... Or is it glamping?

    7. I am good at keeping my family on schedule. I am a walking daily planner/organizer (says my husband!)

    8. I am a colts fan... but as a neurologist, I won't let my children or my patients play football. Flag football is fine. But skip tackle... I just wish the NFL won't allow such hard hits anymore :(

    9.I have crazy amounts of photos and greeting cards decorating my office.

    10. I love lilies, peonies and tulips.

    11. My weakness: designer purses! my favorites: Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Dooney and Burke and KSNY.

    And to answer Lura's questions:

    1. your guilty pleasure TV show?

    a lot.

    Grey's Anatomy, House, Bones,

    I borrow DVDs from the library and can watch an entire season in a week (!) yikes.

    2. favorite blog to read? what about it inspires you?

    I love Jennifer's blog. She is sooooo smart! She knows computer programming, writes like a theologian and apologist, and has 6 kids!

    I love Erika's blog. She is a new mom and new doctor with amazing personal style.
    And I have a lot more. See my right hand side feed!

    3. what is your morning routine?

    Feed the baby before getting up

    Pray, listen to daily Readings

    go downstairs, turn on Keurig, wash my face, brush my teeth and place lunch/snacks in my workbag

    place moisturizer on my face as I head back up stairs

    Lotion again, change clothes

    head downstairs, brew coffee, powder my face

    head out the door.

    insert comfort crying baby or feed hungry toddler/preschooler somewhere in there if the children are awake. Usually they are still sleeping when my husband takes them to my in-laws.

    My goal once the baby is weaned is to change feeding the baby to getting up and working out!

    Right now, I am working out at night...

    So as much as I love my sleep, I will do my best to get up in the morning to do 20-30 minutes of exercise.

    on my days off:

    I get up and get the children ready first upstairs

    Then I get ready

    then we all head downstairs for breakfast

    4. what are two things from your bucket list?
    Go to all 50 states

    Go to Australia

    5. best birthday you've had?

    When I was 7. I had 7 birthday cakes!

    A 7 year old's dream come true.

    6. what outfit/clothing do you feel your best in?


    7. cats or dogs? why?
    Dogs because they're cute.

    8. would you rather be indoors or outdoors?

    I do not like bugs and dirt.

    9. boxers or briefs? just kidding. to you, what's the most attractive trait in the opposite sex?

    Uhm.. let's just say if he stinks, forget it.

    So I guess, I like smelly good men.

    And I like dark haired men -- dark hair and blue eyes (superman!)

    10. what's your purpose in blogging? what do you want to add to the world-wide-web?

    I blog as a day journal.

    I write my experiences and memories from med school or residency.
    To show off my children.

    Capture my closet ensemble. See what truly works or not...
    I add a little controversial post every now and then

    11. when you spend time with friends, what is your favorite thing to do?

    Talk.. talk... talk...
    and eat. ;)

    Thank you Lura for tagging me. So sweet of you!

    This is what I wore Independence Day.

    Red: skirt from A&F, boots from zulily

    White: old tee from Banana republic

    Blue: guess what. I am actually wearing shorts under these skimpy shorts. So I guess you could say, I am wearing a skort?

    Also linking up with DC in style, the pleated poppy and TuckerUp.

    Join us!

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    dress + bling {wiws, Answer me This}

    Can't help but start on a controversial note. In our church bulletin, we received the statement of the Indiana Catholic Bishops regarding same sex marriage. Click here. I agree... And I like this sentence: The Church upholds the dignity of every human person, including persons with same-sex attraction, whom we accept and love as our brothers and sisters. That's for those who think that because I am Catholic, I think all LGBTs go to hell. hello brother or sister, I am not the judge. Not even the Church. There is one lawgiver and judge...

    now that I have given you something to chew on or spit or whatever, I am moving on to less controversial things:
    what I wore Sunday.

    Dress ~ old, The Limited. It's actually my med school graduation dress. (insert shock face emoji)
    Necklace and bracelet ~ from a boutique in French Lick
    Snakeskin flats ~ zulily

    I am also joining Kendra this week. How about you?
    1. Have you ever walked out of a movie?
    Nope... But I would have left when watching The Ring. except my date would not want to leave so I was stuck there. Afraid to leave in the dark.

    2. Do you abstain from meat on Fridays?
    During Lent, yes. Otherwise I cook whatever on Fridays. Usually we eat fish or shrimp anyway.

    3. What do you most often use for blogs and blogging: desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone?
    A mix of laptop, ipad and iphone.

    4. Have you ever had anything stolen from you?
    My PDA. It was my last day as an intern. I left my PDA (stupid me) in my work bag in the resident lounge. It was gone... and some cash. maybe $50 or so. The only time I carried cash with me. That day, I had to report all my credit cards stolen and change numbers.

    5. Do you identify as a member of a particular ethnic group?
    well... I am Asian... And Filipino. I get asked about my nationality often enough.
    Sometimes they think I am Korean... or Mexican...
    Thai or Malaysian maybe.

    6. Seen anything weird lately?
    I am sure. I just cannot think of something smart to write here.

    Linking up with CatholicAllYear, watch out for the woestmans, TuckerUp, and FL&P.

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    sisterDate, madewell, medschool {five faves}

    Linking up with heather on this fine eve of July 4th!


    wine and canvas is so addicting. I am not an artsy person at all. Producing such work makes me so proud of myself. I felt intimidated at first but the artist gives such step by step instructions that even I, not an artsy person, can follow along.

    exhibit A

    exhibit B

    exhibit C
    Halfway point~

    Painted all 3 in a month.

    2. madewell shorts
    Another find from my Instagram shopping addiction.

    Top ~ express // cutoffs ~ madewell // wedges ~CK via nordstrom rack // clutch ~ thrifted

    3. it was a fun sisterDate.
    I went with my sis for exhibit B's art class.
    She's a fave of mine... She deserves to be here.

    4. Veggie straws.
    Have you had these?

    5. Old friends
    A little preview of my fun day with old friends. Can't believe it's been 10 years since I met these amazing women. Pediatric emergency doctor, general surgeon and a neurologist. And our ring pops.

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