
happy birthday, dear husband.... it's a week late, so don't get mad

Five faves - husband edition

1. Red wine

If it's merlot, then Derrick is sold. He was not a wine drinker till we honeymooned in Paris and all we drank was red wine.

If it's from Italy or the napa valley, then he's all over it. No discrimination.

2. steaks

I am talking about melt-in-your-mouth filet mignon. Hubs like steak. We want to decrease our red meat intake but I just cannot stop him from giving it up. you bet we went to a steak place for his birthday.

I have my iron for the rest of the month.

3. hair gel
he loves this Crew hair pomade. If you've seen him, he is known for his hair shelf. He says he wants it off of his face/forehead.

4. barbasol

just the name sounds so... masculine, don't you think?

5. Acer

this is his laptop and other baby. He needs a replacement because it is super slow now. But he loves this thing. It's light and he brings it to trips or sometimes at my mom's house when we hang out there for the day.

How about you? What are your husband's/significant other's faves?

And because my post revolves around my OOTD, here's what I wore to our fancy dinner.

Dress ~ thrifted // necklace ~ igshop // nude pumps ~ naturalizer // purse ~ Louis // Bracelet ~ gift

Linking up with Heather.

Keep in touch


  1. Love the date night outfit!

  2. My husband has that same Crew pomade! He used to style his hair a lot back when I first met him but he hasn't done it in a long time now. I like his hair both ways so I don't mind, but I do think it might be kinda fun to pomade our baby boy's hair sometime & your post just reminded me haha....


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