
gulf shores beach days {photo diary}

// beach items //


// beach looks - mom and kids //

// beach look ~ with sun protection! //

We had four wonderful sunny days at the beach! Our condo is right next to the beach. We did not have to cross a street. That helped a great deal, lugging all our beach gear + food + sand toys. We were pretty much at the beach around 10a CST (that's 11a EST) and stayed until 3-4p CST. That's 5+ hours at the beach! I am not complaining.

Some days were super windy. I did not take off my cover-up on our last beach day (wednesday) because it was very windy.

Our trusted XL sports umbrella kept us shaded (and safe from the seagulls!) Those birds can see food a mile away! Since the condo was just a few yards away, we just had chicken nuggets, hotdogs, edamame, salad and sandwiches for lunch.

It was our first time in Gulf Shores, AL. The sand is white and the water is clean. The gulf side is definitely prettier than the Atlantic side. The drive was projected to be 11.5 -12 hours. But our fam (in typical fashion) took 15 hours on the road. Thank you, dear hubby for doing all the driving. I offered to drive the last couple of hours but at that point, he said the Mt Dew already kicked in.

I posted videos on my instatories and then put them altogether and posted them on youtube. My children love to watch family videos on our TV and their grandparents' TV.

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Linking up with This Ain't the LyceumJersey Girl, Texan Heart,  I do de ClaireFoxy's Domestic SideElegance and MommyhoodGlass of Glam and Pumps & PushUps.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great trip!! And that umbrella looks awesome- definitely going to look into getting one for this summer!


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