
"ode" to summer {sqt}

Kimono wrap top, Madewell clearance
High rise pants, Madewell
Chanel sandals
Layered necklace, Nordstrom

Sorry to disappoint, y'all There won't be a poem here. Nada. I just like that title because here are my quick takes for summer 2018.  You could call this a summer of firsts!

1.Birthdays all over
We started the summer break with Memorial weekend and my mom's birthday. Then I celebrated my 35th birthday and went to a fancy date night with hubs at St. Elmo Steakhouse. It was our first time dining there and trying their world-famous shrimp cocktail. Lucy and Daniel turned 3 and 9 years old, respectively.
D and I were the same age, until end of July when he turned a year older. It was my first time going to Giordano's here in Indy. He requested deep-dish pizza (his fave).

2. Maryland reunion
I saw my godmom (my dad's sister) after two decades. I met my cousin K and A for the first time! We went to see George Washington's Estate: Mount Vernon in VA. We swam at the Chesapeake Bay. I ate so much crab. I ate crab everyday that week.

3. To continue the summer at the lake, we ventured north of our fave New Buffalo, MI and went to South Haven. We have been to South Haven before... when we only had two kids!   I wore this suit in MI and again in MD. It's one of my fave suits.
This ice cream yogurt place is in St. Joseph, south of South Haven.

4.  I went to my first Indy 500.
I have lived in Indiana officially longer than I have lived in Asia. But this was the first year I went to the race. I LOVED IT! I will go again.

5. The children had swim lessons twice a week x 2 months. We saw great progress on all of them.
Daniel - his freestyle is more fluid. He is more coordinated. He almost* passed the swim test in MD. He swam 25 meters. He treaded water (deep end 12 feet!) x 45 seconds. He got tired towards the end. He needed to tread for 60 seconds to pass. I am still very proud of him. He could not swim 25 meters last year. But this year ~ he did it!
Isabel - she is swimming! She was just gliding last summer. Now she's doing it. Her strokes are not as fluid as Daniel's but still an improvement. I am proud of her moving on to level 5!
Sebastian - He is braver in the water. We were at lake Michigan and Chesapeake Bay and he stayed out in the water the longest. He is doing more head bobs. He can float for a second or two (before freaking out). Again, improvement from last year.
Lucy - this was Lucy's first time taking classes. We started in June with lots of crying. She still fussed every now and then but overall we saw improvement by the end of July.

These photos here are taken outside the natatorium where they took their swim lessons.

6.  Library time with the kids
It's another successful summer reading program. Three of the five kids finished their points card. That meant they accumulated 600 points.  Thus, they became super-Readers of our library branch. The theme this summer was Superheroes. The prizes were capes, jellybeans, playdough, dog tags (of superheroes), bouncy balls (with superheroes, ear phones, chalk, fidget spinner and some items appropriate for younger children (like dino babies). The children's faves this summer were the playdough and the super hero jellybeans. My faves: claiming points for books!
These are the ones I chose from the prize bin.
Ms. Bixby's Last Day
Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (Suzanne Collins wrote this series! She's the author of the Hunger Games Trilogy)
When the Sea Turned to Silver
A Tale Dark and Grimm - (Hansel and Gretel Adaptation)
They are for young adult and middle/grade school readers... I know, I know.
Did you read any of them?

7. Summer won't be summer without the state fair. We are ready to make memories! Today is the first day of the fair. And we already plan on going tonight! My dad is in town so we want to take him before he leaves. He loves the state fair as much as we do. Food anybody??? Who does not like buttery corn on the cob, elephant ears, the milkshakes at the dairy barn (!!!) I saw that there is a birthday cake shake that's new this year.  The new fried food this year is the fried sugar cream pie. I am already feeling the sugar high just from one bite. I haven't decided yet if I will try it.

We will come back next week because Hanson is performing at the free stage! WOOHOO!
Hubs said tonight there will be people on their mid 40s watching Rick Springfield.
There will be people on their 50s and 60s watching Kool and the gang on August 9th, then people on their mid30s (ahem me!) watching Hanson next Friday!

Judge away people. I am not embarrassed to admit I am a fan and I will be there when they perform!

Have a blessed Friday, friends!
Join me and Kelly for more quick takes.

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Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook  Bloglovin' Twitter  Instagram  Shop My Closet

1 comment:

  1. Haha- that's awesome, I didn't know Hanson was still performing! And I love your outfit, esp. the top! I've had wrap tops a lot on my mind for some reason and just bought one on ig- crossing my fingers it'll work.


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