
first day of school

New kicks
Daniel's here
Isabel's here, exact ones

D's backpack is PB Kids, Justice League in large size. Thanks Uncle B.
Isabel's Glitter Ballerina Backpack is being shipped. It was not available at the store so it was not ready for the first day of school. Not a big deal. Her backpack from Kindergarten is still functional.

Free shipping until 8/10/18 with code: SUNSHINE.

// lunchbags for the girls //

This won't be a mom-blog if no first day photos are documented. Agree?

The first day of school brings excitement and joy. A new grade.  A change from our summer routine.  Back to something familiar.

I hope this excitement continues because we all know how hard it can be waking up and getting everybody ready for the day. School starts before 8a. A good thing and a bad thing. Good that it's early enough because I can go to work right after.  (Some public schools do not start until 930a). Bad because we have to get everyone out of the door by 730a.

Again, PB Kids are shipping for free with code: SUNSHINE.
The kids have these lunchbags. Justice League to match D's backpack; glitter one for Isabel; Glow in the dark Spiderman for Bastian.

This is not sponsored. I truly LOVE their items!

I am going to leave you with this photo of Isabel + Lucas. This baby! He joined in on the fun this morning. He wanted to be right there with Kuya and Ate.

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Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook  Bloglovin' Twitter  Instagram  Shop My Closet
Linking up with This Ain't the LyceumJersey Girl, Texan Heart,  I do de ClaireFoxy's Domestic SideElegance and MommyhoodGlass of Glam and Pumps & PushUps.

1 comment:

  1. Aw I hope they have a great first day, they are cute as ever!

    Pumps and Push-Ups


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