
ten years as an M.D.

outfit details~
Crochet top, Dottie Couture boutique
pencil skirt, nordstrom rack, exact one
halogen flats, thrifted via eBay, similar
le Specs sunnies

// more black cat eye sunnies below //

As I hear my parents talk about retirement, I look back at my own career.  Hubs has accepted that he will be working until he is close to 70 years old, because the retirement age just keeps getting pushed back later and later. I have other reasons why I want to keep working (not to mention paying loans!) but I really do like my job. I am, first,  a mom. But before I became a mother, I became a doctor.

I have been a physician for ten years. This week marks my ten year anniversary of first week of intern year in residency.


Pause for effect.

May I just say that this decade went by fast? If a doctor's career spans 40 years, I am proud to say that the first 1/4 went by fast.

Again pausing for effect.

Because I am laughing at myself!

Medicine is like parenting. Years go by fast. Days are slower.
I am not downplaying residency or medical school at all. In fact, if you scroll through the archives of the blog, I have written posts through residency, through tears, through sleep-deprivation.

Being a doctor "stunted" my  growth in other aspects because of being in "school" and "training" for so long while others my own age have applied and changed jobs more than once. I remember talking about contracts and job interviews at 30 years of age. I was a novice! I have gone through interviews for medical school and residency but there was no "contract negotiation" during those interviews.

I may have only been an attending for less than 5 years  (attending = a doctor after residency) but I have been Dr. Delima for ten years. I am proud of this accomplishment. Amidst changing diapers and sweeping cheerios off the floor. I love being a mom but I am also proud that I am a doctor.

Days can be long in clinic or the hospital.  I do not have post-call days anymore. I have other obligations at work, not just seeing patients (hello peer-to-peer insurance appeals). There are headaches in this career (ha pun intended, since I am a neurologist!) - but isn't anything worth pursuing going to test your will and motivation?

Bottom line: will I choose medicine as a career again?

Answer: a resounding YES.

Some notable posts about residency and medical school:
Remembering match day
Child neurology ins and outs part I here..... part II here
Mom with a white coat
Fourth year of medical school
What happens after morning rounds
Day in the life of a pediatric resident doctor
Residency workhour limits
On call again ~ call structure in a peds residency program

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Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook  Bloglovin' Twitter  Instagram  Shop My Closet


  1. I am in awe of everything you've done throughout your medical career! Congratulations on 10 years!!

    1. Awwwww thanks Lisa. When I get bogged down, I remind myself that I’ve gone through a lot. And God was with me during those times. I shouldn’t get disheartened because He is still with me... I hope to accomplish more with my other vocation outside of home. Prayers please!


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