
finding the balance + missing edel... again... {sqt}

1. I knew there will be blog silence this week because I am working at the hospital. I want to update you all with STUFF. just stuff. But I cannot and won't talk about patients here, of course.
It's only August. We have new student doctors. We have new residents.  There's a lot of teaching going on.
I hope I am teaching them neurology, pediatrics, professionalism, empathy and everything else in between. I had great residents and not so great residents when I was a student. But I owed my education from them too. Now it's my turn to help train the next generation of doctors. Set expectations. How do I want them to present a patient's history. How to examine an infant. How to examine an uncooperative 3 year old. These students may not go to pediatrics or neurology but I hope they "remember" something from their week with me.

2. Since it's a hard week (because of the patient census), I specially liked seeing this on my feed.
10 reasons why being a doctor is a priviledge
I may have lacked big time on my housewife and motherly duties this week but I know this week is just a week. I go back to clinic next week and still have my work-life balance.

3. I missed my kids!
The older three spent 2 nights with my in-laws. It was a huge help for me and hubs. mainly for hubs. He only had to worry about the little 2 while I am still at work.
But I sure missed them! I saw lots of cute babies and preschoolers and 8-10 year old at work. I could not wait to come home and play with my babies.
yes, me... who does not usually play. I played high fives and fist bumps (bee bomp says Lucy) over, and over and over again. I gave them lots of cuddles ~ after I have washed and changed. I don't want to bring cooties home.

4. my recent haul from DCB came!
I got a pair of scalloped hem shorts.
I bought 2 rose colored dresses and another rose colored romper. Is somebody obsessed with rose or blush? Raise your hand if you are like me!
here's my link: you get $10 right off the bat by using this link.  Thanks1

5. outfit I am sharing

top, nordstrom
skirt, Macy's, similar
sandals, exact one
Louis Neo Noe

6. did you see my collab post with AAPTIV?
My exercise, sadly, went down the drain this week. But gotta get back and I am ready to hit that play button on my AAPTIV app.

7. prayers!
I know of at least two having surgeries today. Please pray for them! One of them is Rosie's baby Edith. 
Please also remember and say a prayer for the babies/children/teens I am taking care of this week at the hospital. Please pray for me. May I give them the best care.  Fridays are usually "all h3LL breaks loose" type of day at our hospital. The primary doctors call and send all their sick and "maybe not so sick but I am worried" type of patients to the hospital. I just expect that I will be working hard on a Friday... oh and how could I forget that I am on-call this weekend.
I should be at Edel '17. I missed it again!
Stephanie, Lisa, Carolyn and lots more are going. I am soooooooooooo jealous!

Have fun, ladies!

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