
Pangasinan and La Union {photo diary}

Driving north to La Union and Pangasinan is easier now with the North Luzon Express way expansion. What took 4 hours to go to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary Manaog only too 2.5 hours or so.

The children loved the breeze up the mountain. They ran around. It was not as humid up there.


Here's the Our Lady of Rosary of Manaoag with baby Jesus
We went to Mass at 9a, ate breakfast, got some souvenirs.... then headed north.



We did not get to swim that day but saw a beautiful sunset. It's so relaxing watching the waves reach the beach over and over. Lucy was not excited {see video below} because I just took her straight to the water. no acclimating at all.

Here's Sebastian jetlagged and woke up at 3:30a asking for food.

affiliate links are used. Linking up with RosieSarahDorandaLeanneElena Jaymie,  Sydney, Ada, Brooke.

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