
oh Christmas day

So blessed and happy to call this my family. This Christmas was one to remember...
tights, gift from my mom
Louboutin heels, similar, here is something similar on KSNY
YSL evening bag, here in bright pink

After staying at home, opening presents in the morning and then more in the afternoon with my mom and N, we  went to my Auntie J's big 5-0 party. It was a great reason to dress up, put on my dark lipstick and fancy heels.

Hubs danced with his aunt. He participated in several games. Bastian and the other kids danced with us. They are true Delima's.
The girls' dresses were from last year's After Christmas blowout sale at Carter's. Derrick wanted the boys to wear their vest and nice pants, just like for Christmas Eve. I wanted to give the boys a break. They actually ended up taking off their sweaters because they got too hot after dancing and playing.  

you can barely see my earrings. Thanks mom for these Christmas presents! They were purple! It's like she knew I was planning on wearing this nonmaternity dress. It's flowy so it's perfect to subtly show off or even "hide" that bump.

 more glitter pumps below:


^In true Bastian fashion, he won't want to take a photo with his family.
Happy Christmas week, dear friends.

affiliate links are used. Linking up with RosieSarahDorandaLeanneElena Jaymie,  Sydney, Ada, Brooke.

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1 comment:

  1. Such great glitter pumps, and I can't even tell there's a bump!
    Also, great idea to get the girls dresses for the next year!


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