
let's go for a walk

disclaimer: affiliate links are used

Top, thrifted
floral shorts, thrifted, from XXI
straw hat via hautelook, similar here 
St. Lucy pendant c/o

Living in Indy limits us to the beauty and mountains of the west coast. We also don't have a beach.

We make do with what we have. Indy is opening more trails and promoting its places to walk, run and bike.

 We are not, by no means, hikers. My children and husband would want to be outdoors more but with my allergies, I don't go out as much as I want to during spring.  As soon as the trees are done pollinating and blooming, then I am all set to get some sun.

The children exclaim in delight when I propose a family walk. It is not hot and humid here yet in the midwest so the children tolerate a midday walk. It's also a treat when we have ice cream to cancel out the calories we just burned. hehe.

I love my straw hat that I got a couple of years ago. I am getting more and more sunspots on my face. I love the sun but I don't like its aging effects. I don't mean the wrinkles. I mean "the health of the skin" in general. The straw hat protects my face and keep my head cool.

Here are a few options if you are looking for a straw hat.

simple floppy straw hat -- less than $35!
a splurge straw hat
give a little pastel pink
another floppy straw hat -- less than $20!

Pacers boy hat via zulily

Linking up with RosieSarahDorandaMorgan, LeanneElizabeth, Elena,  Madeline,  Jaymie,  SydneyDanielleGrace, Brooke.

Thank you for reading! I can be found on: Facebook  Bloglovin' Twitter  Instagram  Shop My Closet

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