
letter to Lucy {2 mos}

Hello Lucy!
you are 2 months old.

1. your stats:
weight  - 10.7 lbs
height - 22 inches
OFC - 37.2 cm

2. sleeping patterns
You give momma the most time to do chores, run errands and read in the morning. After school drop-off, you sleep in your carseat (with the sound machine on) for another 3-4 hours. The longest time was until about 11a. I had to check on you a few times to make sure you were okay. You still wake up once around 2a or 3a to feed but then you go back to sleep without a problem.

You love to sleep in your carseat and your swing. Papa is not happy that you haven't really used the co-sleeper much.

3. feeding
You like to cuddle and eat. When you are hungry, you eat efficiently. I know when you just want to suckle. You are a pro at nonnutritive suckling. When you are awake, it seems to be that all you want to do is cuddle with me and nurse. But once you are napping, because of your full belly, you sleep for 3-4 hours and give me time to take care of your other sibs.

We tried the bottle just a couple of times. You did okay the second time... then the third time, you did not want anything to do with it... will you please take it once I am back at work?

4. social smile
You wake up from your nap - you smile. You hear my voice or see me - you smile. You hear a sing-songy voice from your sibs, dada or Lola - you smile! we love it.

5. mood
You are such a happy baby. I thank the Lord! You may fuss a little bit if you are wet... but it's not the shrill I remember from your older sister. You do fuss a lot more from 7-9p specially if we are not in bed yet. That's when you need your quiet time back in your room, without your older sibs screaming and keeping you awake.

6.  your sibs
oh they LOVE and ADORE you!
Sebastian loves to kiss your head. We have to remind him to be gentle. Actually, all of them love to kiss your head. When you cry, they make sure I know. They won't stop calling me until I tend to you. They hear you fuss a little bit and they say: Lucy wants Momma's boobas. even in public they make sure I know that.

7. video I am sharing
Your cooing is so cute and soft. I love to  watch you coo and try to talk to me.
Poor little babe. you already had your first cold :( given to you by your sibs. Sorry I did not wipe your dry nose/upper lip before this video. You were just so cute cooing I had to take a video right away.

Linking up the love letter to Lucy here.

Thank you for reading! I can be found on:
 photo 94470504-d65c-4fd7-99d8-7088fd6e61d0_zpsbhf4i3mh.jpg

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