
physician moms blog hop vol 1

welcome to our very first physician moms  blog hop! Glad you could join us.
Christy of sunnywithsideof and I are your hosts. we thank you tons for stopping by. 

our theme for this month is: introduction
I am Sarah. I am Derrick's wife and mama to 4 little bears. I work outside of home as a Child Neurologist. I stayed to practice in the same place I went to medical school and residency. I interviewed to a lot places but decided to rank my hometown #1 because our family is here. It takes a village to take care and rear my 4 cubs and we have the village here. 

some things I like: sushi, moscato, Zumba, designer purses and ice cream.
fave vacation spot: where it is sunny and warm aka the beach
fave Starbucks drink:  1/2 caf soy vanilla latte and then if I am ok with the calories: 1/2 caf nonfat, no whip, white chocolate mocha. 
did you play sports growing up? NOPE. I wish. I could not hit a tennis ball or volleyball or catch a football... sad.... I do like to dance and finally took dance lessons as a medstudent and resident. I play the piano but not as good as I was during highschool. 
my Myers Briggs results: ESFJ, like Pope Francis and Prince William

That's me!
How about you? it's your turn!

Make sure you leave a link back to this post so that your readers know where to find the rest of the blog posts. You may also use our button below and copy the  html. If you have any questions, leave me an email or write a comment below. 

The dates and prompts of our future linkups are:
September 2 - day in the life, you may want to share your clinic/OR day or your dayoff with your child(ren)
October 7 - What you wish you'd known before entering medical school...
November 4 - birth stories! Link them all up!
December 2 -Tips on how you handle work or call during the holidays. How do your child(ren) handle you being away?

Here's our button. please use it. Copy it. paste it on your blog!


Here are a few "rules" of the link-up.
1. Add your post link below, not the blog home page.
2. Link back to this post. 
3. Optional: Grab the button above and add to your post. 
4. If you haven't done it yet, please follow your hosts: via bloglovin, Instagram , twitter or facebook. Thanks! 
5. Visit as many posts below and  leave a comment.
6. Have fun and enjoy! start the blog hop party!

The link up with be live till the end of the month. Spread the word. 


    An InLinkz Link-up

Thank you for reading! I can be found on:


  1. This is such a neat idea! As I hope to be both a physician and mom someday I look forward to following along and seeing what you ladies have to share!

  2. Yay! First link up! So fun :)


Thank you for your comments!